Shilajit Australia online shopping and shilajit advices

Shilajit Australia online store and shilajit guides? Shilajit is a nutrient- and mineral-rich biomass, often classified as a herbomineral due to the complex and eclectic nature of its active compounds. As odd as it may sound, this gummy-like organic mass is produced by the mountains. Its color ranges from pale brown to brownish-black and pours out of layers of rocks in many mountain ranges of the world, but it is best-known in the Himalayas. Shilajit is a mass of mineral and plant remains that pours out of layers of rocks in mountanous regions.

Shilajit is ideal for supporting male fertility, enhancing testosterone level, enhancing performance and protecting the heart. Additionally it also improves memory functioning, helps Alzheimers patients, has anti aging properties and helps with altitude sickness. It also helps anaemia patients. Shilajit is a sticky and thick substance which resembles tar. It can range from white to dark brown and is found abundantly in the Gilgit Baltistan (Pakistan), Altai Mountains, Caucasus mountains, Tibet mountains and the Himalayas. It is an Ayurvedic medicine and is very beneficial for health because it contains at least 85 minerals in ionic state, humic acids, triterpenes, etc.

While shilajit’s effect of raising testosterone levels can help improve sexual health in men, it doesn’t directly affect fertility. However, there is evidence for shilajit as a natural and safe male infertility treatment. A study conducted on infertile men found that daily supplementation twice a day for 3 months led to an increase in sperm count among 60 percent of men in the group. 12 percent of the participants also saw increase in sperm motility, which again affects fertility. Read additional details on Shilajit Australia.

Pure and original Shilajit is a gummy exudate that oozes out from the cracks in the Himalayan mountains. It is formed naturally when the portions of plants get stuck in tectonic plates and decompose to form a blackish-grey, tar-like substance. The Sanskrit word Shilajit means ‘the conqueror of mountains’ or ‘the destroyer of weakness.’ As its name indicate, this herbal supplement is highly effective in bringing your sexual health on track.

Shilajit resin has a superfine rejuvenating effect that makes the body strong and healthier. In traditional times, Shilajit was taken with pure milk to enhance energy and even spiritual power. One of the main active ingredients in Shilajit resin is Fulvic Acid which is highly effective at neutralising and detoxifying harmful toxins and pollutants including heavy metals such as lead and mercury. Pure Shilajit Resin is harvested by hand in the Himalayan mountains from quality, sustainable sources above 10,000 feet. Read additional details at