Sacramento estate planning attorney

Many attorneys offer an initial consultation free of charge. Take advantage of this. Use the meeting to determine whether the attorney is honest and forthcoming. Instinctively, some people have the ability to determine an individual’s character within a few minutes of interacting with the person; however, there are a few personality traits that can also tip you off.

For example, is the lawyer looking you in the eye when speaking with you, or is he or she looking at the ground? Remember, people who don’t maintain eye contact usually have a problem with the truth. Also, ask what kind of cases he or she has litigated in the past. If the majority of the attorney’s work has been defending the dregs of society, the attorney (while perhaps a great litigator) may be used to bending the rules to get things done.

Does the Attorney Belong to Any Professional Organizations: Membership in an organization such as WealthCounsel indicates that the attorney you are meeting with is committed to staying up on the latest and greatest estate planning developments. These organizations provide extensive education and networking with peers for their members. Just like you would want to make sure that your doctor is staying up to date on the latest medical advancements if he or she was going to operate on you, you will want to make sure your estate planning attorney is likewise current on the most recent law and planning techniques to protect you and your family.

Ask family and friends for recommendations. Your friends and family are a good place to start because they know you and can anticipate who you would personally like.

At the same time, be wary of possible ulterior motives, especially if you have a relatively large estate and the person you’re asking for a recommendation stands to gain or believes she’ll be listed as an heir. Always carefully vet an attorney before hiring him, even if he was recommended by a close friend or relative.
You may have an attorney you use for other matters. If so, ask her if she knows an estate-planning attorney she could recommend. An attorney would have a good understanding of another attorney’s status, experience, and professional reputation

Looking for a Sacramento estate planning attorney ? The Law Offices of Brian D. Russ is a full-service law firm serving clients throughout the Sacramento region in estate planning and general litigation support. Brian earned a Masters of Public Policy from the Panetta Institute for Public Policy at California State University Monterey Bay (go Otters!), a Bachelor of Arts from UC Davis (go Aggies!), and an Associate of Arts from Las Positas Community College (go Hawks!).

Brian has many published works, including:

Lobbyists Are People Too, and They Should Be Free to Contribute to Their Local Legislative Races
AB 1301: An Attempt to Eliminate Persistent Voter Discrimination
All Wrapped Up and Nowhere to Gogo: Wrap Contracts Meet the Wrapture
A Case for Indexing the Minimum Wage in California: An Analysis of Indexed Minimum Wage Policies in Santa Fe, NM and San Francisco, CA
The California State Assembly: Where the People Dont Matter On the Campaign Financing of Assembly Candidates and the Puzzling Lack of Public Outcry. Call or text me today to discuss your situation: (916) 750-5155. Or send me an email at

Why visit Siem Reap, Cambodia?

Bokor Hill Station near Kampot was built by the French in the 1920s to be used as a retreat from the heat of Phnom Penh. It has since been abandoned twice, first in the 1940s when the Japanese invaded Cambodia and again in the 1970s, when the Khmer Rouge engulfed the country. Today, Bokor Hill Station and its abandoned buildings have an eerie, ghost-town feel. As of October 2008, the road to Bokor is officially closed due to ongoing reconstruction. Independent access seems to be impossible. though there are hiking tours arranged by local travel agents.

National Museum of Cambodia

The National Museum is home to the worlds greatest collection of Khmer artifacts and is well worth a visit ahead of a trip to the temples of Angkor Wat. A stroll through the attraction takes in a range of sculptures, ceramics, and other ancient objects dating back to the prehistoric, pre-Angkorian, and post-Angkorian periods, offering an intriguing insight into the countrys rich history.

Bamboo Train, Battambang

Rumors have been circulating for the last few years about the famed bamboo trains demise. However, it was recently confirmed it will be rebuilt to pave way for a train line. This unique trip sees passengers transported seven kilometers on a bamboo train, or norry, which is a wooden frame connected to an engine. Hitting speeds of 15 kilometers per hour, this is a fun way to watch the scenery whizz by. Looking for Luxury Home Siem Reap?

The temples of Angkor Wat may gain all the glory, but Prasat Preah Vihear wins the prize for the most dramatic location. Sitting atop the Dangrek Mountains, on an escarpment with dizzying views across the Cambodian floodplains, Prasat Preah Vihear is a monumental temple complex of intricately carved pavilions linked by long causeways, built originally to honor the god Shiva.

The temple is snug against the border with Thailand and has historically been a point of contention between the two nations, who both claim it as their own. The International Court of Justice ruled in Cambodia’s favor in 2013, which led to border disputes flaring up between 2008 and 2011. Tensions have dissipated in the last few years, meaning this UNESCO World Heritage Site can now reclaim its rightful role on the tourist trail. Access is from Sra Em, although most visitors come on a day trip from Siem Reap (200 kilometers south).

Tonle Sap is Cambodia’s most important waterway and Southeast Asia’s largest freshwater lake. As well as being an important source of food and a vital tool for Cambodian irrigation, the lake itself is home to 170 floating villages that depend on fishing for their livelihood, with homes built directly on the water. The houses, shops, churches, schools, and temples of these villages are built on rustic buoy foundations of lashed together barrels and bamboo, and all transport is by boat. They’re a fascinating place to spend a day exploring. One of the most interesting is the sprawling village of Kompong Luong, near the town of Pursat on Tonle Sap’s western shore, although the most popular village to visit is Chong Kneas near Siem Reap.

When you visit Battambang, one of the places that you just cannot afford to miss is the bat caves at the base of Mount Sampeou. This is one of the top most tourist attractions here, which is why you can spot many foreigners around these caves. They are also known as Killing Caves.

Highlights Bats, as we know, are nocturnal birds. Every evening, especially after sunset, you can witness thousands of bats fly out these caves into the woods nearby. You can continue to watch this spectacle for about 40 minutes, as thats the time required for all the bats to fly out. However, it is best to leave within ten minutes, if you dont want to put your lives at risk. There lots of bikes available to take you to the top of the mountain and back to the base at the evening, just in time for bat-spotting.

Location Battambang.

Timings Only in the evenings

Price Around USD3 for trekking up the hill.
1955 Melbourne Residence Sra Nge District, Kaksekam Village Siem Reap, 17260
Phone: 097 588 9999
WeChat ID: VRsiemreap
LINE ID: VRsiemreap

camping equipment online shopping

Its important to remember that the bigger your backpack is, the less likely it is that youll be able to carry it on the airplane. Additionally, since you can no longer bring liquids in containers larger than three ounces on airplanes if your bag has soap and liquids in it, youll be forced to check the bag. Most baggage sizes are 45 linear inches (22 x 14 x 9 in) or 115 centimeters (56 x 36 x 23 cm) including handles and wheels so if you get a backpack with those dimensions, youll be able to carry on.

You wont face any baggage fees from the major airlines for checking your bag when flying internationally. Budget airlines, on the other hand, charge a fee for checking a bag based on weight, so the more your bag weighs, the more you will have to pay to check it at the gate. Even though my bag fits in the overhead bin, I often have to check it when flying a budget airline.

Multiple compartments A good bag must to have multiple compartments. This way, you can break up your belongings into smaller sections so its easier to access and find the stuff you need. For example, my clothes are in the main compartment of my bag, my umbrella and flips-flops in the top, and my shoes in the separated side compartment (that way they dont get everything dirty). It saves having to dig around your bag. Extra info : Buy sleeping bags on SportyOuta!

Hiking gear : In terms of the t-shirts and long-sleeve hiking shirts you should go for a lightweight breathable fabric like merino wool or polyester.

As you will be sweating a lot each day, you want a shirt that dries quickly and performs well in moist / wet environments.

You do not want to trek in cotton as it is hydrophilic and inhibits moisture transfer. Nylon is okay but does not breathe as well as merino or polyester.

Backpacking Essentials : Dont Buy All Your Backpacking Equipment at Once

Start out with a few basics and take a 1-night backpacking trip, during a warm time of year, with no rain in the forecast, to a location you already know.

On your first trip take note of items that you may or may not need in your pack.

After returning home you can reduce or buy more backpacking gear if / as required.

It will take some time to find out what you actually need or what fits you the best.

Hiking shoes : These range from mid- to high-cut models and are intended for day hikes or short backpacking trips with light loads. They often flex easily and require little break-in time, but they lack the support and durability of stout backpacking boots. Materials impact a boots weight, breathability, durability and water resistance. Full-grain leather: Full-grain leather offers excellent durability and abrasion resistance and very good water resistance. Its most commonly used in backpacking boots built for extended trips, heavy loads and rugged terrain. It is not as light or breathable as nylon/split-grain leather combinations. Ample break-in time is needed before starting an extended trip. is a sports, outdoors and trekking equipment online store.

5 top attractions in Ibiza,Corsica and other Mediterranean

One of the Mediterranean’s largest ports, Marseille has been a place of comings and goings for centuries. At times marred by its dodgy criminal record, Marseille is the bad-boy of the French Riviera, and behind its gritty fa?ade there is a city full of culture and history to be explored.

Melissani Cave, Kefalonia, Greece The famous cave hides a wonderful turquoise water lake. Surrounded with the forest on the outside, the rocky cave has a hole above, which lets light in. Therefore the boats, that bring visitors in, seem to be floating in the air!

Why to go there? One of the most famous attractions on the island.

When to go there? All year round.

The colorful southern coast of France was a muse for French artist Henri Matisse, who came to Nice in 1917 in the hope the sunny climate would cure his pneumonia. He stayed until his death in 1952. The city of Nice turned a 17th-century villa into a museum showcasing works from various stages of his career. The paintings are complemented by black and white photographs of Matisse at work, as well as his personal belongings.

This packet of Mediterranean islands (Malta, Gozo, Comino) are surrounded by the clear blue water (it’s a top spot for diving!) and they’re still relatively undiscovered. Whilst they’re mere pocket sized islands, the blue lagoon in Comino and the megalithic ruins in Mnajdra will make you feel like you’re discovering a new world.
Where to stay in Malta?

The Radisson Blu is just five minutes from Paul’s Bay and Malta’s sandiest beach. If you’re here for the Game of Thrones filming locations, you should definitely stay in Valletta – the capital of Malta. Thrones fan? Read our full guide to the Game of Thrones filming locations for Malta, Spain and Ireland.
How to get there?

Luqa Airport is Malta’s main airport, just seven km out of Valletta. It takes 30 minutes to reach Mellieha from the airport by taxi. Want to explore the island? It’s strongly recommended that you rent a car in Malta.

Dutch visitors : Als Mykonos in het begin van de 20e eeuw een tamelijk arm, verlaten eiland was, is het vandaag de dag een van de meest gedenkwaardige hang- outs in de Middellandse Zee. Een witgekalkt paradijs bezocht door jetsetters en feestgangers, maar Mykonos heeft toch veel van zijn karakter en natuurlijke schoonheid weten te behouden. Meer informatie at Flacco reizen.

Manarola, Liguria, Itali?, Een van de meest pittoreske Italiaanse dorpen maakt deel uit van de populaire Cinque Terre-keten. Manarola ligt aan de Italiaanse Rivi?ra en heeft verschillende romantische wandelroutes, waaronder Love’s Trail, die Manarola met Riomaggiore verbindt.

Waarom er heen gaan? Mooi en authentiek Italiaans dorp.

Wanneer moet je daar heen? Het hele jaar door. Meer informatie at Corsica vliegvakantie.

De kleurrijke zuidelijke De kust van Frankrijk was een muze voor de Franse kunstenaar Henri Matisse, die in 1917 naar Nice kwam in de hoop dat het zonnige klimaat zijn longontsteking zou genezen. Hij bleef tot zijn dood in 1952. De stad Nice veranderde een villa uit de 17e eeuw in een museum met werken uit verschillende fases van zijn carri?re. De schilderijen worden aangevuld met zwart-witfoto’s van Matisse op het werk, evenals zijn persoonlijke bezittingen.

Airsoft Safety Rules You Must Know

What is Airsoft? Airsoft is a sport above all that requires safety, rules, and governing as do all sports. Airsoft is also a very mature sport and knowledge of common sense and respect is required. Airsoft gives people the ability to own a shooting version of their dream gun. Due to the law and the cost, people cannot always own their dream gun, and Airsoft provides you with a realistic replica, and on top of that allows you to be able to shoot that replica. Airsoft guns are realistic replicas of real firearms. They look and operate almost exactly like the real thing. Due to their relatively cheap price tags and precise realism, movie studios often use Airsoft guns for its production work. They simply digitally alter the images to incorporate the muzzle flash, sound and effects to mimic the real firearms. Airsoft is also used by some Police Departments as a training tool. Why Play Airsoft? The ability to own and play with these “dream guns” is in and of itself appealing enough to enthusiasts. The added advantage of being able to take these guns out to a local legal playing field and “skimmish” your best friends with it in friendly competition is as good as it gets. Where Can I Play Airsoft? There are two major categories of playing fields, one being an Airsoft field or open land.

In League of Legend, a rank system where your professional consistency in games determine whether you are a bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, or challenger player. The more games you win with your skills and knowledge, the higher you will rank

Whenever you play a competitive game in League of Legend, you get to queue up with other team members that are similar to your rank. Thanks to this system, Diamond games are entirely different from a Bronze game. There’s more creative tactics, and much more exciting

In airsoft, there’s nothing. You and the entire community don’t have an universal agreement on a system that can use to determine a player’s skill and knowledge. As a result, all airsoft competitions feels random. Just a bunch of players smack together to form teams and compete.


When it comes to your gearbox, check for any issues with the wiring, springs, and widgets. Any deficiencies will lead to your BBs coming out at random FPS and grouping

It is worthy to note that every legendary airsoft gun out there has had most parts within its gearbox upgraded. The better designed your gearbox is, the better your BBs grouping and shots consistency will be

Also, don’t buy a new gearbox unless your current one is damaged. Every out of the box gearbox is flawed in huge ways. Only you can make the ideal gearbox for your gun and in ways that is cheapest

The sad part is unlike any other part of your gun, troubleshooting and improving your gearbox is the most complicated process. We strongly advise that you consult with your local tech before attempting any modification and purchasing parts on your own. More at TheAirsoftSport.

Never Remove Your Eye-Protection During Games

Do not take your eye-protection off in the field, even if it has fogged up. Just go to the safe zone, clear up the fog, and re-enter the game

Don’t risk your eye sight for something so minor.

Taking Airsoft Guns is Also Illegal in California

Airsoft Law and Regulation in California also makes it illegal for anybody without permission from the principal to carry airsoft guns in school. This law covers both public and private schools

Do Not Brandish this in Public

Its illegal also to draw airsoft guns in public or threaten to inflict physical harm to just anyone unless its for self-defense which is considered the only exception to the rule

The Walking Dead

Some people love to inform their teammate of enemies position after they died. Dead people should stay dead. Breaking the rules isn’t fun for anyone.

Report these zombies to the referee if you spot them.


SpeedSofters are the Call of Duty players in airsoft. They play the game in a fast pace style with no regard for minimum engagement distance.

When playing against them, expect to get flank, get overshot up close, and annoyed. To beat them, you need coordinated teamwork and communication. Extra details on TheAirsoftSport Blog.

Trekking Everest

Advices : Respect local culture. When trekking Prayer rocks, walls and flags are meant to be kept to the right at all times. It is a custom to follow what the local people believe. Also, ask before taking any photographs, many people do not want their photos taken.

Hydration is Key. If there is one tip that I can give you while in the mountains, it is to make sure that keeping hydrated is one of your top priorities. At higher levels of altitude, your body will dehydrate much quicker than it will at sea level, and you will have to make sure you are drinking plenty of water to compensate. I would recommend that you are drinking around five liters of water throughout the day while in the mountains. This is where the different types of water bottles come in handy. My routine in the mountains with regards to water is generally the same daily. Every evening, before I go to bed, I would fill up my Nalgene bottle full of boiling hot water and that bottle would immediately go into my sleeping bag to keep my feet and body toasty in my room while I sleep, and then, as that water had been boiled, I would be able to wake up in the morning and immediately begin drinking. I would hope to finish that bottle before we left for the days trek, then try and drink another three liters while walking and another one liter at least when we get to the next tea house that afternoon/evening. This process of drinking five liters of water a day can be daunting to many, but I find it to be essential to peoples success in the mountains.

180retreats is launching a trekking expedition on the Everest in April 2019, read more on Trekking Everest Base Camp. We continue on for 8 more days of trekking, each day moving between 3 and 8 hours depending on pace and preferences. Because we have a good ratio of staff to participants, you may go at any speed that is comfortable for you and we will be sure that you are always guided, of course with ample space if you want total quiet during your walking. Each day we stop to rest at least one time for lunch at traditional Nepalese tea houses. This is where dear locals will cook homemade meals that you can order off the menu. All of the meals on our trek will be included in the cost of your trip.

Tips : Don’t eat meat after Namche Bazaar Meat is carried up the mountain. They do not kill the animals on site. Sherpas trek the meat in for days and it is not guaranteed to be fresh.

What to Pack Here is a list of everything we suggest (Click here). However, the most important thing to bring is a good pair of trekking shoes that you have hiked in previously. Kathmandu is a great place to buy trekking clothes that are both cheap and of decent quality. If you can bring your own sleeping bag otherwise you can rent one from us for $20. We also provide down jacket rentals for $15 for the complete Everest Base Camp Trek.