Karate classes in Sacramento

Let’s talk about martial arts in Natomas and martial art Tae Kwon Do (Taekwondo): the Korean art of self-defense, one of the oldest forms of martial arts (reaching back over 2,000 years), and the most widely practiced martial art in the world. Training involves learning a system of blocks, kicks, punches, and open-handed strikes, as well as varying forms of take-downs, throws, and joint locks, all of which develop strength, speed, balance, flexibility, and stamina. Taekwondo is known for its emphasis on kicking techniques, as compared to other martial arts such as karate. In addition to self-defense training, students learn prearranged sequences of techniques known as forms or poomsae (known in other martial arts as kata). Tae kwon do and judo are the only two martial arts included in the Olympic Games.

Karate or martial arts in general offers many benefits to people, for a better quality of life, better mental health, better self confidence, teaching teamwork and offering health benefits. In this article we will take a look at why is good to practice martial arts and after that we will present you the best martial arts school in Sacramento. Like any physical fitness regimen, martial arts practitioners can expect improvements in cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength. It’s one more way to move and stay active. But martial arts has more to offer than some other forms of exercise. Martial arts practice also tends to improve posture, stamina, endurance, and flexibility. A 2014 review showed that martial arts students gain faster reaction times and significantly better balance over time. In a Portuguese study, adolescent martial arts students showed better bone density than a control group. Strong bones are less liable to breakage and lay the foundation for a future free from osteopenia or osteoporosis.

One of the many great benefits of martial arts training is the development of a solid sense of confidence. Martial arts and its techniques requires a certain degree of patience and attention to detail. The many moves in various disciplines take years to master. However, once students are able to learn the techniques, there is a sense of accomplishment. This sense of accomplishment empowers us with self-esteem and confidence. Because martial arts will push our limits as humans, a person can discover a great deal about himself during training. Of course, knowing more about ourselves makes us more confident within our own skin. Knowing that we have the ability to defend ourselves and being confident in our abilities is certainly an awesome feeling.

At first glance, most people would not qualify Karate as a team sport. Nothing could be further from the truth. This individualized sport and activity has great team building characteristics that go beyond the regular team sports. Karate is trained on an individual level – every student individually learning the specific techniques taught. However, it is practiced within a group. A great deal of time is spent practicing basic techniques as a group. This is where great magic happens. The Karate instructor will not only challenge each student individually to perfect his or her technique but will also place great demands physically and mentally on the group as a whole. Many times the intensity and demand given by the instructor are so high and so challenging that an individual by him/herself would not be able to overcome. However, it is the group spirit , energy and camaraderie that has developed through persevering together through intense practice that will help the group to emerge as a strong team and overcome the demands. It is very common in military arts to push the individual so that those individuals emerge together as one unbreakable team. Karate as a military art is no different within this goal.

High kicks, aggressive throws, and acrobatic evasions are an important part of more than a few martial art disciplines. To execute such moves will require a great amount of flexibility, so if you are not already flexible, participating in martial arts like Judo, MMA or Muay Thai will help to facilitate improvement in that area.

Sensei Christina Hinschberger is a 5th-degree black belt with the International KarateCoaching Federation and a 5th-degree black belt with the ISKF. She has been practicing Shotokan karate for over 30 years. She was part of the International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF) national team representing the United States in various international tournaments. Sensei Christina has been teaching Shotokan karate since she was 16 years old. She teaches with energy and enthusiasm. Her passion is obvious, and you can see that as her students build their skills, character, and self-confidence. She is also a California Multiple Subject Credentialed teacher, Certified Personal Trainer through the National Association of Sports Medicine and a Certified Yoga Instructor through Yoga Alliance. Sensei Christina is the co-owner of Tokon Martial Arts in Natomas Sacramento where she teaches traditional Karate and Martial Arts. See extra details on Kids Karate in Sacramento.

True character development, mental and physical strength can only be developed over time and through hard work and repetition. That is why our students learn how to work extremely hard physically and mentally. Real life skills, self-esteem and confidence that require dedication, setbacks, disappointments and years of commitment are not taught or enforced by most other schools because it could create a conflict with the students monthly payments. Yes at our school not everybody has what it takes to become a Tokon black belt. But true martial arts skills MUST only be in the hands of worthy students that went through those forging times. This must be the standard and measurement and what you are looking for. Isn’t this why you come to us? We are not a child care or day care facility. High five and attendance awards for showing up is not what will develop a strong human being. Even though this might impress at first sight, you will quickly discover that schools that have their efforts on all those side gimmicks have nothing deeper to offer, physically, mentally and spiritually. We are different and that is why students that look for the real martial arts experience come to us. This is why our program speaks to adults and children alike. The path of self-cultivation is never a question of age but rather of a wise person that wants to keep growing.