Specialists in image editing

Looking for a logo and graphic identity studio ? Pinkart Ltd was established in 2007 in Mauritius to meet the demands of European customers looking for offshore DTP solutions. The goal has always been to offer our partners graphic skills, execution and layout at a level of quality at least equal to the European level but at 50% cheaper rates.

With teams trained in Europe with retail customers, we produce daily, product catalogs in compliance with customer’s graphic charts and technical specifications. Eayscatalog is integrated in our production line to ensure the quality, the speed of the layouts while facilitating the preparation of the client’s work load. Read more details at Page layout studio – PinkArt.

From the graphical base and the customer routes, we adapt the design to the different packaging. Depending on the specifications (offset, flexo, helio, …) and the graphic, we prepare the files for printing. From the flat file we can realize 3D packaging modeling. Photo retouching, sometimes called retouching or airbrushing, refers to the process of manipulating photographs in order to slightly change the looks of a subject. This includes basic “fixes”, like erasing pimples or making a ruddy complexion appear even.

Every photographer’s definition of ‘editing’ and ‘retouching’ can mean different things. What is important is to be sure that you understand what your photographer will be delivering to you and what they mean. Hopefully, this post has given you a basis to start from in your discussion with your photographer. If you have any questions about this topic, please leave them in the comments section!

Page layout is the arrangement of text and images on both printed and digital pages — is a primary tool used by graphic designers to communicate messages in a compelling and memorable way. Through their creative talents, designers elicit emotional reactions through stunning and often awe-inspiring designs delivered through the canvas of effective page layout. But in a commercial light, designers are challenged to combine their creative instincts with the needs of the business and consistent use of brand elements, and they are often burdened by needing mutiple software applications to bring their visions to life. This challenge becomes more complex as page layout evolves to encompass more complex dimensions — not just because of the Web, but also because of new digital media such as eBooks, smartphones, and tablets such as the iPad™.

To fully use all of the layout options now available — and build portfolios that reflect the skills employers require — designers need tools that give them the best design functionality appropriate for each layout type. Ideally, they should be able to use one tool and maintain one source of information so that they can make one change and have it automatically reflected in all layouts.

For our french readers:

Recherche de specialistes en montage d’image? Pinkart a commence son developpement dans la presentation des rapports annuels, puis elargi son offre. d’expertise avec la mise en page de magazines, de catalogues de produits, de livres et de versions publicitaires. Aujourd’hui, Pinkart dispose d’une equipe complementaire dediee au processus de retouche photo. Enfin, «Octopouce Digital» est une societe sœur dediee au developpement de sites Web et a la strategie numerique.

Avec notre equipe de graphistes creatifs et techniques, nous gerons environ dix titres par mois. A partir des copies preparees et du suivi de la charte graphique que nous produisons pour les pages finies des editeurs europeens (Pre mock / Proof / Finalization et BAT). Le traitement des images est effectue par notre equipe de photogravure. Nous produisons des magazines de kiosques a journaux, des magazines industriels, des magazines techniques ou des lettres d’information. Voir plus info at mise en page catalogue.

A partir de la base graphique et des itineraires du client, nous adaptons le design aux differents emballages. En fonction des specifications (offset, flexo, helio, …) et du graphique, nous preparons les fichiers pour l’impression. A partir du fichier a plat, nous pouvons realiser une modelisation d’emballage 3D. A reception du fichier client et des contraintes de l’imprimante (offset, flexo, helio, …), nous adaptons le contenu aux specifications et a la charte graphique. Nous effectuons la modelisation dans le respect des zones de pli et de decoupe tenant compte des volets. Enfin, une modelisation 3D est realisee pour controler et verifier la bonne execution des travaux.

le processus de «montage» consiste a selectionner les photos. Cela signifie que je passe en revue toutes les images qui ont ete prises et determine quelles images seront livrees. Alors que le pourcentage de photos que je garde a augmente au fil de mes annees en tant que photographe, il y a toujours des cliches occasionnels qui ne sont pas livres: quelqu’un se presente devant ma camera, tout le monde a les yeux fermes, etc. se produire. Si votre photographe ne selectionne pas vos images pour vous dans le cadre de la retouche, il vous restera a les parcourir toutes. De plus, si un photographe ne selectionne pas les images, il est probable qu’il ne les edite pas non plus, car l’une des principales raisons de la selection des images est que vous ne perdez pas de temps a editer des photos qui ne seront pas livrees.

La mise en page est la disposition du texte et des images sur les pages imprimees et numeriques. C’est un outil primordial utilise par les graphistes pour communiquer des messages de maniere convaincante et memorable. Grace a leurs talents creatifs, les concepteurs suscitent des reactions emotionnelles grace a des conceptions stupefiantes et souvent impressionnantes livrees au moyen de la mise en page efficace. Toutefois, d’un point de vue commercial, les concepteurs sont invites a associer leur instinct de creation aux besoins du secteur et a une utilisation coherente des elements de la marque. Ils ont souvent besoin d’applications logicielles multiples pour donner vie a leur vision. Ce defi devient plus complexe a mesure que la mise en page evolue pour englober des dimensions plus complexes – non seulement a cause du Web, mais egalement a cause des nouveaux supports numeriques tels que les livres electroniques, les smartphones et les tablettes tels que l’iPad ™.

Traditionnellement, la mise en page consistait a organiser les elements de conception et le contenu des pages imprimees pour mettre en valeur un message, le rendre plus comprehensible, ou pour creer ou maintenir une marque. L’un des plus grands defis etait de faire en sorte que tout le contenu tienne sur une page imprimee liee a des biens immobiliers limites.

The Email is being AMP’ed

How the travel industry will develop more with AMP for Email. What is AMP for Email ? For the past few years, we’ve worked to make mobile pages load faster through an open-source framework called Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). AMP started as an effort to help publishers, but as its capabilities have expanded over time, it’s now one of the best ways to build rich webpages. With this came the opportunity to modernize one of the most popular places where people spend their time: email.

One of the most frequently asked questions about AMP for email is: Can you do all the things with AMP for email that you can with AMP? The answer is “no.” However, AMP email is far less constrained than traditional email. And while you can’t use ALL of AMP’s commands in Gmail, you can still create a highly rich user experience.

AMP for Email is currently exclusively available for Gmail users. While Gmail is one of the most popular email clients with 26% of all emails opened in a Gmail inbox, on average, the audience for consumers that could see AMP-powered emails is limited. And it could be lower depending on your own audience. Tracking may be limited: Tracking is crucial to optimization. Currently, marketers can track opens, clicks, etc. to improve campaigns. When you add to the list of actions users can take, you also add to what marketers must to track. Will there be ways to track them?

What are the benefits in Email Marketing for the Travel Industry? In the travel industry, especially for travel agencies and online travel booking portals, email marketing is the most important direct communication channel for getting in touch with their customers. There already plenty of good reasons to use email as your number one channel. But email is lacking dynamic elements. The recipient has to be referred to a website in order to perform further action. However, this technological gap is going to be closed rather soon with Google’s AMP for Email. More effective A/B testing: Running email campaigns in variable segments required a large test group and a delay for the other groups. With dynamic emails, however, these tests can performed with all first opener recipients until a threshold is reached. Eventually lowering complexity and time consumption for A/B testing to a minimum. Moreover, A/B testing will have an immediate impact on all future opens of every email.

Schema.org is a markup vocabulary for structured data founded by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and Yandex. It is actively maintained by an open community process. In search engine optimization (SEO), Schema.org is commonly used as additional semantic markup inside web pages to help making a website’s search result snippets stand out and eventually perform better. It is also used in other popular forms of structured data in digital marketing, for instance in Facebook’s Open Graph and in Twitter Cards. In Email Marketing, however, Schema.org is still a ‘secret weapon’ that helps you to stand out from regular emails sent by your competitors.

Microsoft provides an Email Development Dashboard to test their Schema.org enriched ‘actionable messages’ for the Outlook product range. Using Microsoft’s Card Playground, you are able to test sending actionable messages to your own inbox.

As an innovation leader, you should be amongst the first in your realm to implement Schema.org into your email marketing toolbox, allowing you to be seen as a technology leader in your field. Moreover, it allows you to enhance your email marketing platform with necessary enhancements and changes required to fully being able to deliver the additonal semantic markup code. See extra on email marketing trends on https://emailinnovations.com/how-the-travel-industry-will-benefit-from-amp-for-email/.

Clearly, marketers are excited about the prospect of leveraging AMP to easily create interactive experiences for their audiences. For a long time, interactive email has been seen as a technique that only large brands with extensive development and design resources can execute on. AMP for Email could make creating interactive email more accessible for all marketers, especially those with lots of Gmail users among their subscribers.

Marketers often wish they could update the content of an email after it’s been sent to correct a mistake or refresh an offer. With AMP-powered emails, marketers will be able to do just that. But, the question is, should they be able to? Updating an email post-send could be troubling or confusing from a subscriber perspective. A medium known to consumers as a static one turns into a dynamic feed that the sender can change as they please. Imagine opening the same email once, twice, and then a third time expecting to find the same content and not? It’s a tactic that may lead to losing trust among your subscribers—a valuable commodity in email marketing.

It’s safe to say, this project is going to shake up the email marketing space, which has wrestled with poor HTML standards support in many email clients (including Gmail and especially Outlook) for years as the rest of the web has embraced modern and interactive standards. While Gmail introduced better support for CSS in 2016, developing emails in 2018 still requires outdated tables and hacking code. So what does AMP for Email look like on the front-end? Imagine you get an email from Pinterest and you want to save a pin you see in your email to your actual Pinterest account. AMP for Email lets you do just that.

Free ssl for your website

Looking for a reliable and cheap domain name provider ? NameOcean is the brand name and website operated by Yuix Networks Inc. Dun & Bradstreet DUNS: 815428653, Belize Company Number: 171104. NameOcean was founded in December 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey. Free DNS, As a Managed DNS hosting provider, NameOcean provides a large number of professional DNS features. We support all types of DNS records and settings you need. Additionally we provide Http Redirects.

All NameOcean domains come with a SSL certificate issued by Let’s Encrypt. Protect your website and visitors with this free certificate that 100% works like an expensive traditional certificate. Read more on Buy domain name. Each NameOcean SSL certificate is: Supported by all major browsers, Automatically validated and created, 90 days duration, Zero maintenance, Wildcard Certificate.

NameOcean provides free DNS for every domain. You can easily point your domain to website, setup your mail exchanger records or forward a domain to another domain.

Each NameOcean DNS:
– Unlimited queries per month
– DDoS Protected
– Supports HTTP Redirects
– Zero maintenance
– Unlimited records

When asked if any internet users what is a top-level domain name of a website probably they will give a reply as ‘.com’ or ‘.net’. It is true that because our internet history has begun with these TLDs. However every minute, internet and domain technologies are developing parallel to user needs. If you’ve paid attention, some websites have different TLDs than others as .gov, .edu, .mil or .org. As users’ professionalization areas and their visibility on the Internet increase new TLD extensions are needed. So, we ask the question we wondered…

We generate wildcard certificates using their ACME server by using DNS Challenge validation. Since we use DNS Challenge, you must use NameOcean DNS to generate SSL. It is automatically renewed and generated free wildcard SSL. Read extra info at Free SSL.

Choosing the best possible domain for your would-be website is not always a walk in the park. In fact, it can sometimes feel extremely frustration coming up with a ton of ideas that don’t seem to do the trick. That being said, everybody deserves a really good domain for their business or organization. Everything may depend on this, because it has impact on your SERPs ranking, among other things. Luckily, this post is written to help you do that very easily (and efficiently too). With that in mind, let’s dive in and discuss the top 5 must-know tips for finding the awesome domain you will be proud of.

Every expert will advise you to start with keyword research – Everything depends on it apparently. But trying to come up with a few keywords without any help is difficult, to say the least. That’s why you need to start your keyword research with a tool To find your awesome domain name, use NameOcean.net to generate the perfect domain name. It is a really good AI-powered domain search tool that will not only give you a good domain name but, generates hundreds of alternative domain names in seconds. Obviously, you cannot do that. Besides, all NameOcean domains come with $100 worth free premium features like free SSL, DNS, and website uptime monitoring. That is why you need to start your keywords with a Domain Name Generator.

How to check that your domain name is eligible for transfer? See Transfer domain. Write your current domain name above and we will check if it is eligible for transfer. Before starting the transfer of any domain name make sure your domain meets the following conditions: Request your domain’s Auth/EPP Code from your current registrar. You can ask us to find your domain’s current registrar or you can use our Whois Lookup Tool to find out your domain registrar. When you are transferring a domain registration from one Registrar to another, there are specific steps you will need to take to prepare your domain. Below are the details to prepare your domain for transfer with your current Registrar and then submit the transfer request with NameOcean. Requirements may vary for some ccTLDs (for example .UK and .ES).

Wildcard SSL is a top choice for companies managing multiple sites hosted across numerous subdomains. A certificate configured for *.example.com, will secure www.example.com, as well as blog.example.com, mail.example.com, payment.example.com and the others. The asterisk is used to serve as placeholder for all possible subdomains.

Clipping path

Some Photoshop tips to start : Magnetic Lasso Tool: Found in plain sight in your Photoshop tool-panel, the Lasso tool is basically man’s gift to photo editing. This easy selection tool helps you trace and outline the exact part of an image that you’re looking to edit, and then separate it from the rest of your image in order to perform certain actions. For example, you can select and separate a product from its background. Nearly fool-proof, the magnetic lasso tool detects the edges of an object, so it works best when you have a bold contrast between an object and its background with well-defined edges. To access the Magnetic Lasso, click and hold your mouse button down on the Lasso tool until a fly-out menu appears . The Magnetic Lasso is the last one with a small magnet on its icon. Select it and then go to your image and place your mouse on the edge of the part you want to alter. Click your mouse once, release and just go over the edges of the object you want to select (just like you do with scissors when you cut something out).

We want you to know how to unlock its full potential. Yes, that’s why we created this post, to provide you 10 extremely useful Photoshop tips to boost your design speed. There can be shortcut, feature or setting you don’t know about, but not anymore. With this article you gonna learn them all, and you will design faster, and faster. Just as its name, Smart Object makes your editing smarter by carrying out 2 primary functions: perform nondestructive transforms and perform filtering. This feature comes in very handy especially when you’re producing a site layout with heavy graphics like stock photos, social media icons and UI kits, and all you need to do is right click a layer, then click ‘Convert to Smart Object’ to enjoy its benefits. The first function says that once a layer is converted into a Smart Object, you can transform it anyway you want without losing its original quality. In our case we want to make the image slider smaller so we convert image slider’s layers to Smart Object and transformed it into something smaller.

Photoshop Experts : Photoshop Graphic Services

We are doing business with around the world for last 5 years. So we can offer High Quality Service in the Most Competitive prices and quick turnaround time. Because we believe in win-win business. DinamicoStudio offers very convenient ordering system for any volume of job. Our production and Customer service departments are open 24/7 (Customer Service Email: (info@dinamicostudio.com). We have a strong pool of many highly experienced and talented plus dedicated designers who have come from the best institutions in the related field.

Dinamico Studio is a world class graphic design & photo editing Company. Which is currently working for E commerce company Newspapers, Magazines, Digital Photographers, Advertising Agencies and Printing & Publishing Companies around the world. Read extra details at Offshore Graphic Studio providing Photoshop retouching.

At Dinamco Studio we strive to be the world’s best editor of visual content. Reliability, efficiency and quality are the core values of our company and they are at the heart of everything we do. They apply to the work done by our skilled and committed editing professionals, to our customer support and high volume image editing.

Bangladesh Office :
Road-14 House-17, Block-D Section-12, Pallabi, Mirpur Dhaka, Bangladesh
Contact: +1 (315) 351-2012
E-mail: info@dinamicostudio.com
Website : https://dinamicostudio.com

Portugal Office:
Road- Av joao paulo l l , LTE 7 – 5 DT,
Post code 1950 , lisboa. Portugal
E-mail: manager@dinamicostudio.com

IT firm providing Hot-Sppot in Germany

Looking for a w-lan hot-spot provider in Germany ? Here are some details on what to need from your HotSpot provider and also some technical details.

Is hotspot a WiFi? A hotspot is a physical location where people may obtain Internet access, typically using Wi-Fi technology, via a wireless local area network (WLAN) using a router connected to an internet service provider. Public hotspots may be created by a business for use by customers, such as coffee shops or hotels.

A hotspot is a physical location where people may obtain Internet access, typically using Wi-Fi technology, via a wireless local area network (WLAN) using a router connected to an internet service provider. Public hotspots may be created by a business for use by customers, such as coffee shops or hotels.

For our german guests :

Offentlicher Internetzugang gehort heute zum guten Ton, wenn man jedoch die Internet-Vernetzung international betrachtet fallt auf, dass Deutschland durch die umstrittene Storerhaftung den Anschluss an andere Lander langst verloren hat. So besteht fur den Anbieter das mogliche Risiko bei missbrauchlicher Nutzung seines Anschlusses zur Verantwortung gezogen zu werden. Ein signifikanter Nachteil fur Sie und Ihre Gaste. Um Sie vor drohenden Abmahnungen und Strafen, die Sie nicht selbst verschuldet haben, zu schutzen, wurde die cleanWeb-Box entwickelt. Lesen Sie mehr uber HotSpot support.

As an IT system house and Internet provider for W-LAN HotSpots we offer you IT consulting, IT support , support you in the procurement of hardware and software components and offer professional solutions in the field of network technology. With our data center services we offer turnkey systems and applications from the cloud for our customers. We are your ideal partner if you do not have your own IT department but would like to talk to an expert or if you would like to outsource your EDP ??to specialists.

Our specialization lies in the IT support of small and medium-sized businesses in the vicinity of: Biberach, Riedlingen, Ochsenhausen, Bad Waldsee, Ulm and Laupheim. Outsourcing the IT of smaller companies of 2-15 employees means that the entire IT operation is no longer realized by its own servers, but that these services are provided on highly favorable terms and conditions. As a result, owners and decision-makers can eliminate high IT investment costs from their budgets and thus remain liquid at all times. As an established IT partner in the district of Biberach, we know about the concerns and fears of our customers, so we deliver and operate our servers exclusively from and in German data centers.

IT project management: Do you want to open a location, or just renew your computer systems? Great, then you should definitely talk to us! As an experienced IT partner of numerous companies we advise you individually to solve your task. We attach great importance to investment security and innovation in the selection of hardware and software. Unlike the big IT companies, we want to digitize them in coordinated steps and win you over as a satisfied customer, step by step.

Company Contact Info:
Am Bahndamm 13
88422 Bad Buchau
Telefon: 07582637-469
Telefax: 07582637-475
E-Mail: m.winkler@myweb-it.de

Do you want more Instagram likes ?

Do you need more Instagram likes ? People want to be popular on Instagram and for that they need more likes. Post at the right time, too Which is 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Monday to Friday. That’s what we do. Because our audience scrolls through Instagram during their lunch hour. Since we’re B2B, our strategy is weekday focused. The best time to post on Instagram varies depending on your industry.

Though they’re not that effective when looking to reach Instagram users near you, using the most popular hashtags can be helpful when you’re looking to reach a large group of Instagram users. Using popular hashtags helps your photo be seen by more people, which is an easy way to rack up a large number of likes on your photos. Remember that they’re not high-quality likes, but if you’re just looking for a way to boost your account’s credibility, this is a good way to go.

Social media is the place to share more intimate moments from your business with your fans and followers, helping you to develop your brand personality and strengthen your emotional connection with customers. Give your followers a look behind-the-scenes of your business – preview an upcoming product, show off your employees, or take them on an office tour. This type of content is unique and engaging, meaning it’s likely to garner likes from your followers. If none of this works you might explore automatic Instagram likes.

Engagement groups or pods are simply a group of Instagram users who come together to support each other with likes and comments. The key to making these groups work is for everyone to abide by the rules and to always offer a like to others in the group. It’s simple, really, yet the rewards can be big. When you get an influx of likes, your content is given a boost by Instagram’s algorithm. It’s a win for all members. Give these tips a try when you want to get more Instagram likes. A few strategic moves on your part can make a big difference in your engagement rates.

You may not realize this, but it’s been shown that more users tend to like posts that are geotagged. A geotag is simply a tag indicating a geographic location. In addition, it’s smart as a business to show people where you’re located. It’s easy to add this kind of tag just by clicking “Add Location”, checking the list and choosing your place. People can click on a location to see all the content that’s tagged there. It’s a strategic way for more users to stumble across your profile, eventually leading to more likes.

Check your Instagram account analytics and see what posts do best depending on the day of the week and at what times. Based on that data, schedule your posts on the days and at the times that most people interact with your page. Researching hashtags is always a winning strategy. For example, if you want to grow your fitness coaching business, search for posts that include #fitness, #fitnessmotivation or #fitspiration. This will give a strong base of accounts with whom you share common interests. “Like” some of their posts that appeal to you and your niche, and they will most likely do the same for you. Make a goal to reach out to five new accounts each day, and soon you will see a lot more engagement on your own Instagram page. This is the more genuine version of the “like for like” or “follow for follow” strategy.