Entrepreneur advices by theentrepreneurresearch.com

Edith Harbaugh has led product and engineering teams for nearly two decades. But not all of her management know-how came from coding. The LaunchDarkly CEO frequently calls upon a 3,360 mile bicycle ride to Glacier National Park, during which she learned to monitor her energy, adapt to change, and make decisions at forks in the road. Her most transferable lesson for building startups and software? Every ride starts with zero. Every day she set the odometer on her bike to zero with a plan to reach a daily goal, say 50 miles. For both cycling and software development, measurement is vital — observing visible progress is motivating. Feeling like you have 80% of the work ahead makes one’s daily contribution to the goal feel insignificant. Once your direction is set, begin each day with a blank slate. Starting every day from zero increases team focus, generates a concrete sense of accomplishment and forward motion, and helps prevent complacency.

Mostly the budding entrepreneurs do two mistakes at the start: Most budding entrepreneurs do not have a funded business and also haven’t raised a venture capital. In terms of the money they have only six months and between that, they have to achieve their goal. While they are dreaming of every possible aspect which can assist them in order to attain the goal. Soon the realization hits them and they run out of cash. Secondly, there are a few who are well funded and they don’t make the necessary efforts to generate the revenue. They are so used to the ideas that losing a huge amount in burn rate is completely fine because they have a funded company. Such people focus more on raising their next round instead of actually making the profitable business. Extra information can be read on Entrepreneur tools.

Do not wait until you launch your business to get customers or consumers, because they are the central element that determines the success or failure of your initiative. Make as much networking as possible! Gather contacts! Offer samples with your product / service! It’s never too early to start marketing for your business. The main motivation for writing your business plan before you start is to save time and money later during the business development. In addition, the business plan helps you to clarify your business concept and gives you a general map based on which you will invest in growing your business. There is no need to make a detailed and fluffy business plan, focus on those essential elements of the plan that will help you throughout your business development. More information and tips on writing a business plan can be found in the How to write a business plan section.

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day challenges of running a business, but you MUST carve out time at least once a week to take stock of what you’re doing for the long-term health of your business. That includes marketing, training, employee development, community engagement and capital development. Sound investments today will pay dividends in the future. – Jim Judy, Try Franchising Source: https://theentrepreneurresearch.com/.

High risk merchant account instant approval tips

It’s virtually impossible for online shopping merchants to do their business without receiving payments from credit or debit cards. Before you can accept “plastic,” you have to use a payment processor who acts as a link between you, banks, and credit card networks. A lot of financial service providers do business exclusively with low-risk merchants, who they see as a safer investment. That means businesses considered high-risk will have a limited selection of potential payment services to choose from. Any processor you approach will take a careful, detailed look at your business to determine if you fall under their definition of “high risk,” based on the financial risk your company represents.

Customer Support: Things happen. You never know when a small problem or bigger crisis will occur. Payments and uninterrupted cashflow to your business bank account are vital, so you want to make sure that you’ll have someone to help you out at any time. Remember that you’re running a business, and any downtime with your equipment or systems can mean less money for you and your business. Whether you’re able to call in or receive some type of help via chat, you should make sure that fast customer service will be available for you. The ideal situation would be to make sure that you have a dedicated account manager’s contact who is available for you at any given time.

Payline Data is one of the best overall credit card processors on the market for retail businesses because of their competitive pricing that can scale for small and large businesses. They provide resources select high risk businesses as well. Payline has a shorter list of busineses it is willing to work with than most other processors on our list. For Payline, they are willing to work with companies that deal with: Adult Products, Adult Video, E-Cigarettes, Firearms, Gadget Repair, House Rental companies, Information Marketing (Real Estate Based and Tech Support/PC Support, Nutraceuticals, Tour companies, Travel, Used Cell Phones and Other Technology, and Vaporizers.

High risk merchant account pharmacy in 2019. This is a popular topic as more countries open up to new products. High-risk merchant accounts are a subset of finance services that enable businesses to receive card payments from customers. Credit card processors assign merchants to one of two categories: high risk or low (normal) risk, based on a number of factors. High-risk merchants face limited choices in processors, plus higher fees and strong binding contracts. Being named as high-risk looks bad. But in some cases, it can be your best option. We have been talking about diverse properties of the high-risk merchant account business for a very long time and have probably reached on most, if not all, of the most decisive problems. Here are some more tips on high risk credit card processing. See more info on High risk merchant account specialists.

PaymentCloud serves a range of business types–including high-risk merchants–with a reported 98% approval rate for new merchants. Pricing is based on business history, and the company has no application or account setup fee. We did transactions on all of the high risk credit card processors, to be able to compare and a solid choice is iPayTotal. They cover all business types, have a vast experience in the field, fast customer support and low fees.

Other providers will approve you, but you won’t get nearly as good a deal as a non-high-risk merchant would receive. Instead, you’ll pay higher processing rates and account fees, and you’ll usually be stuck with a long-term contract and an early termination fee. In some cases, you might also be required to put up a rolling reserve to get approved. Merchant account providers that are willing to sign up high-risk merchants fall into two categories. On the one hand, there are the companies that directly market to high-risk merchants.

Our banks have been selected to assist our customers to get the most secure high-risk merchant account solutions for their business sectors. We have chosen the banks with the highest integrity and methods, adding confidence to your payment processing solution, to get you the best transaction fees for high-risk sectors. We offer the kind of value and personalized service your business needs to get off the ground and grow. Our support team will work with you to identify the best merchant services and payment products to fit your needs. And, whether you have a question about your merchant account, need help with chargebacks, or have a question about your statement, our representatives are ready to help 24/7.Our team will prepare a solution tailored to your business. ?We combine the right technology with service and support to ensure you never miss out on an opportunity.

Company Address: 60 Windsor Avenue London, England SW19 2RR
Company Website: https://ipaytotal.com/.
Support Email: support@ipaytotal.com
UK Tel:+44 800 776 5988
US Tel:+1 845 215 4017
Company # 11357725

Best online shopping to purchase calibration gas UK

Subject of the day is : High quality online provider to buy span gas in UK. For low spatter and distortion and better fusion of welding automotive components in the thickness range of 0.5mm to 3mm, Stainshield Light is a better choice. Anyone requiring high-integrity welds, such as those used in pipe work and paneling, for components ranging from 3mm to 12mm, should consider Stainshield Universal’s argon, helium and carbon dioxide mixture. It produces welds with very good low temperature toughness values, excellent corrosion resistance, high penetration and low levels of porosity.

Why is argon the specialist gas of choice when welding? In the manufacturing industry, when welding you know the importance of shielding gases. But do you know some gases are more preferable than others? More importantly, do you know why? The entire purpose of shielding gases is to prevent the welding area from atmospheric elements. Such exposure could leave you with a sub-optimal weld. If elements do come into contact with the welding area, it can reduce the overall quality which could jeopardise the whole operation. Read more details on Bump test gas cylinder.

Helium / argon mixtures are sometimes used for their higher heat characteristics. Gas mixtures, usually 25% helium and 75% argon are sometimes used and can help to increase travel speeds when AC – gas tungsten arc welding. Mixtures of more than 25% helium for AC – gas tungsten arc welding are used, but not often, as they can tend to produce instability, under certain circumstances, in the AC arc. Pure helium or high percentages of helium (He-90%, Ar-10%) shielding gas are used primarily for gas tungsten arc machine welding with direct current electrode negative (DCEN). Often designed as seam welders, the combination of GTAW – DCEN and the high heat input from the gas used can provide fast welding speeds and outstanding penetration. This configuration is sometimes used to produce full penetration butt welds, welded from one side only, onto temporary baking with no vee-groove preparation, just a square edged plate.

Ozone is only generated during arcing and decays quickly on arc extinction. Therefore, exposure to ozone is very dependent on the duty cycle employed. Although research in the laboratory has shown that ozone concentrations at points around a welding arc can exceed 0.2ppm, it is uncommon to find that average exposure to ozone, in a real work situation, exceeds the ozone exposure limit. An exception to this statement is exposure to ozone during MIG welding with an aluminium/silicon consumable.

The normal gas for TIG welding is argon (Ar). Helium (He) can be added to increase penetration and fluidity of the weld pool. Argon or argon/helium mixtures can be used for welding all grades. In some cases, nitrogen (N2) and/or hydrogen (H2) can be added to achieve special properties. For instance, the addition of hydrogen gives a similar, but much stronger, effect as adding helium. However, hydrogen additions should not be used for welding martensitic, ferritic or duplex grades. Alternatively, if nitrogen is added, the weld deposit properties of nitrogen alloyed grades can be improved. Oxidizing additions are not used because these destroy the tungsten electrode.

Zero calibration gas is a gas that does not contain flammable gas. You will need this gas in the calibration of analyser’s or gas detectors. Span calibration gases are a more advanced type of calibration gas. They contain a more precise total make up of detectable gases. Source: https://www.weldingsuppliesdirect.co.uk/industrial-gas/specialist-gases.html.

GMAT tutor guides

Let’s make a post today on GMAT tutor price and, as a result, we will offer some advices regarding all GMAT issues, focusing on advices about how to prepare for your tests. When in Doubt, Go Short: In addition to the rules of grammar, you also have to keep an eye out for concision and clarity on sentence correction questions. Often—but not always—the most concise answer will be the correct one. When in doubt, scan the shortest of the answer choices for errors, and then pick it if you can’t find any. When you come across a passage-based question, read the passage first, not the question. This is often the better strategy for two reasons. First, you can only see one question at a time, but there will be three or four questions for each passage. So if you read the passage trying to “hone in” on the answer to the first question, you might subconsciously disregard aspects of the passage that are important for the subsequent questions. Want to improve your GMAT score by 60 points?

Embrace errors: The GMAT is an adaptive test. This means that the more questions you get correct, the more difficult the test will become. Some applicants become frustrated as the test goes on because it becomes more challenging to answer correctly, says Yim. “Focus in your studies on building your experience of how the GMAT might challenge you, so you can be confident and comfortable by test day,” he adds. “Start your study sessions by stopping once you have five to seven things wrong to review and explore further. Use your mistakes to guide you.” Determination and setting your mind on performing well is a big part of test taking – or really any challenge you undertake. McGarry believes this should be the cornerstone of your studying habits.

We really do have outstanding track records as GMAT tutors: we’ve helped hundreds of students achieve dramatic score improvements, and our former students have been admitted to every top MBA program in the world, including HBS, Stanford, Wharton, INSEAD, and LBS, among many others. If you want proof, you’re always welcome to ask for references, or you can click here to read some of our unsolicited student reviews. We’re honest people, and we won’t feed you a line of crap about massive, easy score improvements, as improving your GMAT score is rarely easy. We’ll make you work hard – and work efficiently – to achieve your GMAT goals. This is a partnership: we’ll provide structure, passion, and expert guidance, but we’ll expect you to provide a whole lot of time and energy, too. See more info on GMAT Tutor.

Read Carefully…Or Else The GMAT is constructed with incorrect answer choices that the test writers think you might like. If it’s a mistake a person might easily make on a problem, it’s probably an answer choice. If a question seems easy to you, STOP and reread the question. Make sure you haven’t fallen into a trap. Answer All the Questions—Even If You Have to Guess: Because there is a penalty for unanswered questions at the end of the GMAT, it makes sense to guess on any remaining questions rather than to leave them blank. If time is running out, you will almost certainly get a higher score by clicking through and answering any remaining questions at random. This is because the penalty for getting a question wrong diminishes sharply toward the end of each adaptive section (when the computer has already largely decided your score).

Testing: after you finish teaching, write down a series of questions on a sheet of paper and try to answer them without looking in the manual or on the note sheets. Personal testing after each repeated lesson is the most efficient stage of the learning process. Reduce irrelevant activities: When you have a lot of books to read, try to read faster, do not get lost in thoughts and need to resume reading, and if you have long texts, try to reorder the keys so that don’t waste time looking for them. Source: https://www.gmatninja.com/.

Cobb County transit senior discount

Great Clips senior discount day and a few more senior discounts in 2019. Below are some types of common senior discounts. Take a closer look at this list. If you use these services, be sure to ask your favorite businesses about available discounts. Many times, this is a simple way to save a significant amount of money. You just need to ask for the savings.

Ross Stores: Seniors can get 10 percent off if they shop on Tuesdays in the store. Those over 55 qualify for this discount. Walgreens: Walgreens offers lucrative senior discounts. Seniors can save 20 percent off one time a month. Seniors need to use their Balance Rewards to obtain the discounts. Rite Aid: At Rite Aid, seniors can obtain a 10 percent discount on Tuesdays. Additionally, seniors receive a 10 percent off discount on prescriptions. Banana Republic: Seniors can get up to 10 percent off. Walmart: Walmart offers very few discounts to seniors. Some locations can offer reduced costs to seniors some days each week. Savers: Many locations offer discounts, up to 10 percent. However, some do not offer any discounts to shoppers.

Let’s start with the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, otherwise known as Amtrak. It boasts 21,000 route miles in 46 states, the District of Columbia and three Canadian provinces, and delivers more than 300 trains daily to hundreds of destinations — traveling at up to 150 miles per hour. Amtrak offers 10% off most rail fares on most Amtrak trains to those 65 and older. You only have to be 60 or older to get 10% off fares on cross-border voyages operated by Amtrak and VIA Rail Canada. If you take six train rides per year at an average price of $150 each, you can save $90 annually. See extra info on Delta Airlines senior discount fares.

Southwest Airlines (NYSE: LUV), begun 47 years ago, has become America’s largest domestic airline, serving some 120 million customers with more than 4,000 flights per weekday in peak seasons to 100 U.S. destinations and beyond. It says that customers who are 65 or older may qualify for special senior fares, and that they should check with a Southwest customer service rep or with a travel agent to inquire about availability and pricing. The senior fares may not be the cheapest fare offered for a given flight, but senior fares are refundable, while the cheapest fares for most folks, the “Wanna Get Away” fares, are not refundable. Refundability can be an appealing feature for seniors who may have to reschedule or cancel due to health issues or other problems.

Radisson boasts more than 1,400 hotels around the world, from America to Zimbabwe. Deals for seniors at Radisson vary by location, so check with any Radisson hotel you’re thinking of booking at. Some may not offer any discount, but some others have advertised as much as 15% off for those 65 and older. If you would be spending $500 at Radisson hotels in a year, you may be able to save $75.

Nutraceutical merchant account high risk payment 2019

Third party high risk merchant accounts in 2019. This is a popular subject as more countries open up to new products. High-risk merchant accounts are a collection of finance services that offers firms to accept card payments from customers. Credit card processors assign merchants to one of two categories: high risk or low (normal) risk, based on a number of factors. High-risk merchants face reduced options in processors, plus higher fees and harsh contracts. Being considered as high-risk looks terrible. But in some cases, it can be your best option. We have been writing about various points of view of the high-risk merchant account market for years and have most likely reached on most, if not all of them, of the most deciding issues. Here are some more tips on high risk merchant account providers.

High risk credit card processor : Focusing primarily on high-risk e-commerce businesses, eMerchantBroker claims they approve 99% of all account applications. The company has a positive reputation for transparent customer service and reliable support.

A lot of financial service providers do business only with with low-risk businesses, who they consider as a low risk investment. That means businesses considered high-risk will have a very poorr selection of potential processors to choose from. Any processor you approach will take a careful, detailed look at your business to determine if you fall under their definition of “high risk,” based on the financial risk your company represents. It’s practically not possible for online shopping merchants to work without having enabled as payment type the credit or debit cards. Before you can take “plastic,” you need a payment service provider who acts as a liaison between you, banks, and credit card networks. See more details at High risk merchant account card not present.

Instabill was one of the better high risk merchant account providers we came across in our search. Their customer support agents were very clear and forthcoming with information. One thing to note is that Instabill is not cheap. For example, a Tech Support business would need to pay 4.95% + 0.25 plus the interchange fee for every transaction. That is significantly more than what non-high risk merchants charge, and even slightly higher than other companies on this list. However, this is unavoidable in high-risk industries. The reason we were pleased with Instabill’s offer was due to how easy it was to get pricing information in the first place – something that can’t be said for a lot of their competitors. Instabill does not post any of their prices online, since the cost will be highly dependent on the industry and bank involved in setting up the merchant account. However, you can get a quote by speaking with a sales representative and obtain a quote very quickly.

We did transactions on all of the high risk credit card processors, to be able to compare and a solid choice is iPayTotal. They cover all business types, have a vast experience in the field, fast customer support and low fees.

We believe in fostering real long term relationships with our clients, and always go the extra mile to make sure our customers are happy. We offer 24/7 technical support to ensure that when a problem arises, it can be quickly and efficiently addressed by one of our professionals. We want you to do well and your business to grow. We believe it is of the utmost importance that the needs and expectations of clients are systematically defined and translated into prerequisites that are fully met, through the correct application of the Quality Management System in order to always ensure the highest degree of satisfaction. Source: https://ipaytotal.com/ipaytotal-high-risk-merchant-account/.