Music licensing studio for Youtube by Rhythm Couture

Music licensing provider for Youtube with Rhythm Couture? What’s the Music Industry’s worst kept secret to generating high-margin income and breaking emerging artists? Well, having a wealth of industry contacts and resources certainly helps… But we’re actually talking about sync licensing! So what is sync licensing? A sync license/synchronisation refers to an agreement surrounding the use of recorded music in any product involving the simultaneous use of music and moving images. This includes, (you guessed it!) movies, tv shows, advertisements, video games and more! Getting a successful placement can come with huge exposure and can generate significant revenue through sync license fees and performance royalties.

Now, the process of finding a PRO is a process within a process, and there are advantages and disadvantages to all of them, but whichever you choose is your partner in keeping up with royalties and licenses once your work starts getting picked up. If you’re not sure which PRO you want to go with, attend one of the meet and greets or seminars that they put on throughout the year. It’s a good way to get face time with decision-makers and ask any questions you might have.

I earn monthly revenue from my Content ID. What is the benefit of turning it off to license my song? On average youtube monetization for 1000 youtube views ranges from 0.5 to 2 USD based on the location of viewers and the target audience. The numbers vary a lot, but most channels get 0.5 USD per 1000 views. It takes a significant amount of views to earn a substantially consistent monetary return. Essentially your music is working harder as opposed to working smarter. In comparison, our musicians are compensated at a more competitive rate for less work. Our payout for one of our most basic licenses pays at a rate that is 8.4% higher in comparison. Discover additional details at music licensing for film.

Rhythm Couture artists questions and answers: In 2009, Rafi went to see a Flamenco show in LA and fell in love with that style. He wanted to surround himself in that culture and hear as much of that music as he could! So he went home and booked a flight to Seville Spain and decided to go study flamenco guitar out there. For 3 Years he went back and forth to Spain each time for periods of 6 to 7 months to Study the flamenco guitar in Seville, and he immersed himself in that music and lifestyle fully. In the end he decided not to take the traditional path. He felt that his calling was to continue with the electric guitar and to incorporate the things that he had learned into his own music doing it his way. Rafi still continues to go to Spain for inspiration and to perform there as well on occasion.

RhythmCouture Recording Studios: two locations based in New York and Vermont. We proffer expertise in music licensing and musical solutions across all multimedia platforms. Kyle Hunter and Robert Ronci, Co-Owners, have paired their formidable musical repertoires and talent affiliations from around the globe to bring a distinctive differentiation to the music product placement space. Our range of clients include Calvin Klein, Les Mills, The New York Times, Vans, Forever 21, Marie Claire + more. Discover extra details on