Premium Damascus knife online store with

Excellent Wok online shop right now? Whether smooth, ribbed, flexible, stable, narrow or wide – the shape of the blade is decisive for which knife should be used for what. The shape of the blade is called a wading shape. There are four differences here: Smooth blade: This allows for clean and precise cutting. The blade is versatile, but must be sharpened regularly. Wavy Blade: Knives with a wavy blade are mostly bread knives, but they are also suitable for fruits and vegetables with a slightly harder skin. Saw blade: The saw blade is suitable for soft fruit or vegetables, for example tomatoes. Ball-shaped blade: Due to the indentations in the blade, it does not stick. Especially good for cheese or for cutting wafer-thin slices. Discover additional info on

I have the burned-in wok version and I’m really impressed. I fry and cook everything that can be done in any way. With a large lid, stewing is also wonderful. The frying result is very good, hardly anything sticks. The wok is not difficult, easy to clean. I can only recommend this wok. This burnt-in wok is really awesome. We cook a lot and totally different things in the wok. From the typical wok dish to cheese spaetzle, everything is possible. I can only recommend this article.

Tired of spatulas whose handles break easily or those where rivets come loose and the heads fall out? What about melted plastic spatula heads? If so, then you will love this wooden spatula. It’s a one-piece utensil made from high quality cherry wood – no rivets, no nails, no glue! It’s a sturdy cooking utensil that is more than capable of handling the daily demands of a busy kitchen. Our spatula brings the rustic charm of the landscape into your kitchen with its beautiful natural grains and knots, which are emphasized by the rich, reddish hue of the cherry wood. It will look amazing when mixed with the rest of your kitchen utensils. This spatula impresses right away and is a wonderful gift for hobby and professional cooks alike.

Unlike most other damask knives on the market, you get free blade protection with your purchase. This protection not only prevents your knife from getting dirty or injuring yourself. It also ensures that the blade does not become dull when not in use, e.g. B. is in a drawer with other cutlery. Are you still looking for a nice present for a loved one who is passionate about cooking, but is constantly bothered with blunt knives? Then our damask knife with a blade length of 20 cm is the perfect surprise for a birthday, Christmas or just in between as a small token of your appreciation.

For our german visitors:

Die Klinge ist kurz und gerade, dadurch ist das Messer sehr handlich. Das Gemüsemesser ist vielseitig einsetzbar, etwa zum Putzen und Vorbereiten von Gemüse, aber auch zum Dekorieren. Auch als Officemesser oder Spickmesser bekannt kann diese spitze, scharfe Klinge vielseitig eingesetzt werden: Zum Schälen, Schneiden und Spicken. Durch den Wellenschliff ist kein großer Kraftaufwand nötig, dennoch schneiden Sie glatt. Das Allzweckmesser ist eine Mischung aus Kochmesser und Schälmesser und ein gutes Einsteigermodell.

Unser Messer mit einer Klingenlänge von 20 cm und einer Stärke von 2,5 mm lässt sich durch den Damaststahl extrem scharf schleifen und behält diese Schärfe auch lange. Mit unserem Messer können Sie alles von Fleisch, Fisch, Gemüse und Obst bis hin zu Brot schneiden. Auch Lebensmittel wie z. B. Tomaten, die mit stumpfen Messern schnell zur Herausforderung werden, lassen sich mit diesem Messer wie Butter schneiden. Für unsere Messer verwenden wir hochwertigen japanischen Damaststahl. Die Kombination aus weicheren und härteren Stählen verleiht dem Messer einzigartige Eigenschaften: Es hat die präzise, ​​langanhaltende Schärfe einer harten Kohlenstoffstahlklinge, aber die Flexibilität und Widerstandsfähigkeit einer Edelstahlklinge. In Kombination ergeben diese Eigenschaften das perfekte Allzweck-Küchenmesser.

Haben Sie genug von Ihrem stumpfen Küchenmesser, das kaum durch Fleisch, Obst oder Gemüse schneidet? Unser Kochmesser hat eine 20 cm lange Klinge mit einer Stärke von 2,5 mm, die aus hochwertigem Stahl mit einem massiven 7CR17-Kern gefertigt ist. Unsere Klinge hat eine Rockwell-Härte von mindestens 54 HRC, sodass Sie sicher sein können, dass dieses Küchenmesser viele Jahre hält. Genießen Sie das Schneiden durch dicke Fleischstücke oder zähes Gemüse mit einem einzigen Zug. Sind Sie kein Fan von Messern, die in Ihrer Küche wie wunde Daumen herausragen? Sie verdienen ein Kochmesser, das Ihre Wertschätzung für exquisite Handwerkskunst widerspiegelt. Unser professionelles Kochmesser hat eine scharfe Stahlklinge, die perfekt geschliffen ist. Der Holzgriff hat einen natürlichen Farbton, der das atemberaubende Muster der Klinge ergänzt – eine echte Augenweide in Ihrer Küche.

Knoblauch schälen und in feine Stücke schneiden oder pressen. Hackfleisch im Wok anbraten. Knoblauch dazu geben. Karotten schälen, in ca. 3-4cm lange Stifte schneiden und in den Wok geben. Shitake in Scheiben schneiden und auch dazu geben. Währenddessen die Mie-Nudeln in einen Topf geben, mit kochendem Wasser übergießen und 4-5min ziehen lassen. Abgießen in ein Sieb und bei Seite stellen. Den Pak Choi grob schneiden, waschen und anschließend in den Wok geben. Die Mungbohnensprossen auch dazu geben. Mit Sojasauce ablöschen und alles vermengen. Die Mie-Nudeln in den Wok geben und alles durchschwenken. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Evtl. etwas Sambal Oelek dazu reichen und servieren. Lesen meht einzelheiten auf Küchenmesser.

Keine Lust mehr auf Pfannenwender, deren Griffe leicht brechen, oder solche, bei denen sich Nieten lösen und die Köpfe herausfallen? Was ist mit geschmolzenen Plastikspatelköpfen? Dann werden Sie diesen Holzspatel lieben. Es ist ein einteiliges Utensil aus hochwertigem Kirschholz – keine Nieten, keine Nägel, kein Kleber! Es ist ein robustes Kochgerät, das den täglichen Anforderungen einer geschäftigen Küche mehr als gewachsen ist. Unser Pfannenwender bringt mit seinen schönen natürlichen Maserungen und Ästen, die durch den satten, rötlichen Farbton des Kirschholzes betont werden, den rustikalen Charme der Landschaft in Ihre Küche. Es wird toll aussehen, wenn es mit dem Rest Ihrer Küchenutensilien gemischt wird. Dieser Pfannenwender überzeugt auf Anhieb und ist ein wunderbares Geschenk für Hobby- und Profiköche gleichermaßen.

Welches Messer für was? Schneiden, hacken, tranchieren, schälen, streichen – es gibt unzählige Messerarten, die alle für eine bestimmte Aufgabe perfekt sind. Wählt man das richtige Messer, so wird jeder Schnitt in der Küche einfach. Einige der Messer sollten in jeder Küche zu finden sein, andere Küchenmesser eignen sich eher für die private Hobbyküche. Welches Messer für was am besten ist und was ein gutes Messer ausmacht, erklärt

Premium blockchain technology profits tips and tricks

Online marketing knowledge tips and tricks by This is the most common way of earning money from blockchain currencies. Most investors buy coins such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and more and wait until their value rises. Once their market prices rise, they sell at a profit. This investing strategy requires one to identify more stable and volatile assets that can shift in value rapidly, resulting in regular profits. Assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have been known to maintain regular price fluctuations; they can, therefore, be considered a safe investment in this regard. However, you’re welcome to trade any asset you feel is going to rise in value; all you need to do is to analyze each asset you invest in before committing to HODLing it. Also, you don’t need to buy the most expensive assets for you to make profits. There are thousands of small altcoins that have decent price shifts; consider having a mix of all coins that have a promising future value and are not just popular in the exchanges. Discover extra details at blockchain technology profits articles.

Literally BILLIONS of people are using social media, which means your business could be connecting with literally BILLIONS of people. Are you? Okay, billions may be a bit excessive for most businesses, but you get where we’re going with this. Meet the people where they are and message them all about your business. Social messaging is a huge platform for brands to get their name in front of the right people at the right time. They offer the personal touch buyers are looking for, too. Double win.

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Another top tip is to remember that when you do include one-offs, such as holidays, don’t forget to subtract any regular spending. For example, say you normally spend £100 per week on food shopping and £30 on petrol, if you’re abroad for the week, you won’t spend this, so make sure your budget reflects this. What’s different about my budgeting technique? It’s often said “In debt? Do a budget!”, “Skint? Draw up a budget!”, “Wife run off with the milkman? BUDGET!” Yet while budgeting is seen as a solution, unfortunately most budgets are worthless. The main problem is that because they concentrate on a typical month, they massively underestimate your real spend, as this misses huge costs such as Christmas, summer holidays, new sofas or getting a new car. Broad categories like “motoring” make it too easy to forget the small expenditures that add up. Instead, “motoring” should cover MOTs, new tyres, petrol, insurance, breakdown cover and more. Hopefully the Budget Planner counters that by having nearly 100 separate categories. Read more info on

Short form videos are already a popular digital marketing trend through the mediums of TikTok, YouTube and other platforms. In the future, there will be lot more of these platforms. People are bombarded with information and their attention spans often do not process all seen. Short videos with effects and features captivate and connect your audience instantly. Additionally, consumers nowadays tend to prefer authenticity. This means that videos replicating normal, everyday life as well as inviting audience participation are the most effective. Videos are also ideal to integrate with social media marketing strategies. Advertisements on social media increased to provide users with more convenient shopping experiences. Not to mention, social media influencer marketing is on the rise.

Top KKR solid surface factory 2022

Modified acrylic solid surface manufacturer and supplier in China? Durability: Solid surface worktops are durable and resistant to scratching, chipping, or becoming dented with daily wear and tear.Many corporate offices have wood desks with wood desktops which easily scratch if a computer monitor or briefcase is slid across the top. Acrylic solid surface worktops are scratch resistant to daily wear. In the long run, you will not have to replace your desks or worktops as often because they will not show use-related age spots. By investing in timeless, durable solid surface worktops for your corporate space, you will save the added expense of purchasing desks and worktops when they wear out after a few years — because they will last much longer than a few years. Discover even more information on

With years of experience in solid surface fabrication, KKR experts in solid surface custom service for numerous projects. Our skillful masters have been working in the solid surface industry for over 6 years. We do not just focus on product performance, quality, and functionalities, but also concentrate on the advanced techniques. We are conducting R&D every single day. If you are looking for a solid surface company who can help you with one creative product, then KKR solid surface solutions team would be your ideal helper. We are able to offer a fast quote and plan once you send an inquiry. The case we service is available in many different sizes and designs to suit all the different projects. With a choice of infinite, you will always find the perfect scheme as you require.

Featuring in fire-resistance, anti-fungal, anti-scratch, and stain-resistance, KKR provides ideal custom solid surface stone fabrication works with our ample experience and advanced equipment. We spare no effort to satisfy all of our customers with high-end and stable quality. No matter you are asking for a common and classic design like rectangular and square, or more modern and unique one, KKR pays close attention to all the details include surface polishing, turning edge, precise holes cut and so on. A wide range of customers have given us the feedback that they enjoyed using KKR fabrication products a lot. KKR will keep pursuing better users experience. We look forward to the opportunity to provide our professional and warm service for all of you around the world. Following are some of the KKR Fabrication Projects for your reference: Qatar’s Ras Abu Aboud World Cup Stadium and Precinct Project, Dubai W Hotel Translucent Solid Surface Counters, KKR Distinct Solid Surface Stone Side Table, India Cochin LULU MAL Dining Tables, US Miami Hard Rock Bar Counter and Worktops, Dubai uBank Reception Desk, Doha Health Center, DW Bracelet Solid Surface Display Tray.

As we are also making the big slabs and wash basins, there are over 300 different colors and patterns and about 100 washbasin designs to choose, which are matching with each other. Also, the basins and vanity tops could be jointed seamless in our workshop if you need. KKR uses the artificial stone solid surface to make countertops. The nonporous surface is easy to clean and disinfect. It is seamless and easily repaired if scratched.

KKR has many years of experience in fabrication. The Bar Table is one of our advantageous products. The tabletop can be a quartz stone or solid surface sheet as your requests. When you walk into the KKR factory, you can find that every detail of the Bar Table is perfect. We can help you design your objects and keep you informed throughout the manufacturing process. From the color selection to the final design, we assure you can find satisfying answers and high-quality finish products in KKR. From a big counter surface to a very long table, we can make it into perfect items with our technology and experience. From the initial concept to a finished seamless joint Bar Table, we can finish it very nicely with our professional skills. Our advanced machine and experienced masters can meet with most of your requirements and achieve them in a very short time. Preserving the environment is the top priority at Kingkonree from creating eco-friendly surfaces to working with environmentally sensitive partners. Find additional details at

Top Vihado online shop

Tea Tree Oil online shop today? We make the e-shopping experience simple, moving you smoothly from login through the checkout. And reordering is like breeze, with as few as five clicks! Yes, our portal is built keeping your convenience in mind, where online shopping is a smooth affair and saves a lot of your valuable time. With our advanced e-commerce platform, you’ll find features such as speedy reordering and up-to-the-minute stock information, including product expiration dates in an easy way. Read more information at Rolled Oats.

Diffusing Tea Tree oil will help freshen your favorite gathering spot and keep it smelling crisp and pleasant all day. This is one of the most commonly used oils for eliminating musky odors. Diffuse one of our popular oil blends infused with Tea Tree oil, like Purification or Melrose, or use the diffuser blend below to feel like you’ve stepped into the woods without ever leaving your home: Northern Lights Black Spruce, Tea Tree, Cedarwood, Citrus Fresh. The days of sacrificing softness for clean skin are over! By using Tea Tree oil-infused products, you can cleanse and moisturize at the same time! Here are some reasons why Tea Tree oil is an essential addition to your skin care routine.

Did you know that essential oils can help to boost your energy levels and even improve your athletic performance? Some oils have stimulating effects and can actually increase oxygen to your brain, which will leave you feeling refreshed, focused and energized. A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that peppermint oil increased brain oxygen concentration, improved exercise performance and reduced exhaustion in healthy male athletes who consumed peppermint oil with water for 10 days. Some other great essential oils for energy include grapefruit, lemon, lemongrass, eucalyptus and rosemary. With neuroprotective effects and cognitive performance boosting abilities, essential oil benefits have helped many people who are suffering from neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. In a scientific review published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, researchers found that because essential oils possess powerful antioxidants that work to inhibit free radical scavenging, they help to naturally improve brain function and reduce inflammation.

Here’s the deal — there are millions of different strains of bacteria in your gut. Some are good; others, not so much. The bacteria in your gut can influence your overall health, digestion and immune system. Probiotics can help replenish and nourish your internal supply of good bacteria, sometimes leading to less gas, bloating and abdominal pain. Aim for a product from a trusted brand that lists at least three billion organisms per serving. Keep it refrigerated after opening to protect those organisms.

Understand why you’re losing weight and what your purpose is. Take some time to re-affirm that losing weight is not just about looking good, but is also about being healthy. You may need to do this step every day, especially during those days that you struggle. You are not going to lose 20 kilograms in a week, so making that your goal will only set you up for failure. There’s an old adage that slow and steady wins the race. As you embark on a weight loss journey, use this adage as your mantra to help you set goals that are both challenging and within reason.

Yet another wonderful product on anti aging aspect is undoubtedly papaya. Papaya is known to give an instant glow on the skin. due to the enzyme papain and skin lightening features. Rub papaya slices on the face to even tone the skin and to fade the age related dark spots. Healthy skin, how to understand it? If there is a natural glow on the skin, then your skin is smooth and normal. Naturally beautiful and radiant skin requires special skin care (Skincare Regime). It is effective if you take care of your skin before going to bed. Some beauty tips need to be followed to maintain the radiance and beauty of the face. By the way, makeup must be removed before going to bed at night. In fact, all the skin repair work is done at night. Removing makeup with the help of a good makeup remover is most important when creating a skin care routine.

If a supplement’s label or ads won’t give you reliable information, how can you find out if a supplement can help — or, for that matter, hurt? Although it’s a slow process, careful, objective medical studies provide the guidance that counts. In most cases, scientific investigations of supplements start with simple observational studies, in which researchers compare the health status of folks who take a particular supplement with the health of people who don’t take the supplement. It’s an important effort, but the results don’t always hold up. So the next step is to conduct randomized clinical trials, in which volunteers are assigned by lot to take either the supplement or an identical-looking placebo (“dummy pill”) while researchers track their health. In the best studies, neither the volunteers nor the researchers know who is getting the real thing until the code is broken at the end of the trial.

Blackcurrant: Another Super Fruit due to it’s wide array of beneficial phytonutrients. During World War 2, the blackcurrant was used as a replacement for oranges and other fruits rich in Vitamin C as they were hard to come by in the United Kingdom. Blackcurrant fruit is extraordinarily rich in Vitamin C and far superior to navel oranges – containing more than three times as much as an orange. It also contains a good amount of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin E. Blackcurrants are a great food for increasing energy and the seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Packed with Antioxiants (anthocyanins, a type of polyphenol) and Phytonutrients, a recent scientific study has revealed that the natural chemicals and compounds found in blackcurrants may help balance the impact exercise can have on the body.

With about 15% of the daily need for calcium in a 2-tablespoon serving, chia seeds are a viable non-dairy source of calcium. “Chia seeds can be a helpful way for athletes to increase their calcium intake, especially if they do not consume dairy products,” says Vihado. She adds that magnesium and phosphorus are two other micronutrients in chia that also work to improve bone health. Additionally, you get iron in chia seeds, a mineral necessary for helping transport oxygen to your working muscles, and, in turn, something that is vital for maintaining peak performance. Though the form of iron in chia and other plant-based foods is not as well absorbed as that in meats, you can help partially remedy this by consuming the seeds with a source of vitamin C, such as berries, which improves absorption rates. There is also a healthy amount of manganese in chia, which the National Institutes of Health says is involved in protein and carbohydrate metabolism and proper immune system functioning. See even more info on

High end wardrobe wholesale manufacturer with Sgjinlon

Wardrobe wholesale provider by Sgjinlon? What is the purpose of a wardrobe? Wardrobe, in furniture, a large cupboard, usually equipped with drawers, a mirror, and other devices, used for storing clothes. What is the difference between wardrobe and closet? Shouguang Jinlon Furniture Co., ltd has more than 10 years experience in exporting fruniture, like kitchen cabinet,wardrobe,shoe cabinet,coffee table,tv stand and so on. We provide different sorts door panel finishing such as Melamine door panel,Pvc door panel,Wood verneer door panel, etc. Read even more details at

If you plan to use two or more chairs on each long side of the table, make sure there’s room to slide them underneath with bumping each other or the table’s base or legs. If the chair seats touch, diners feel cramped and uncomfortably close. The same is true for roundtables; leave at least two inches of space between each chair. If you use dining chairs with arms at any type of table, make sure the tops of the arms don’t brush or bump the bottom of the tabletop or apron. In addition to the inevitable damage your chair arms will suffer, diners may not be able to sit close enough to the table to eat comfortably.

Kylie Bodiya of Bees Knees Interior Design is sure that mixing and matching old and new is the way forward, too. All around, we’re seeing trends that lean toward timeless, so that designs don’t date too quickly, she says. Mixing and matching current furniture pieces with family heirlooms or antiques helps to keep the room feeling timeless—something old, something new! Gray Malin, artist and photographer, feels we’re just going to see more and more of people’s personalities in their own spaces—and items and furnishings with nostalgic or emotional significance will have a new place of pride. Sentimentality will also be more apparent, he says.

Embedded bookshelves can be customized according to the items that need to be stored. In addition to the size, they can also be customized for their style so that the overall manner is consistent. At the same time, you can also use the blocked storage design plan to put a wooden wall in front of the cabinet. There are many small doors on the wooden fence. Open the tiny doors to see the things in the cupboard. Freestanding. Independent bookshelves are adaptable and can be taken to new houses when moving. They are also suitable for bookworms or book collectors. Some people will buy a standard independent bookshelf to show their identity and level to decorate their appearance. For example, most geometric bookcases and arched bookcases are of this type. In addition, independent bookshelves can also be used to block space, similar to the screens’ role.

We love the distinguished feel of wooden flooring, preferably with some rugs layered on top for softness. Consider putting in some joinery and bookcases that can help you make the most of the room’s height and provide valuable storage. If you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace, make it a focal point, arranging your sofas and chairs to face it, and decorating the mantelpiece with pictures and ornaments. How do you design a living room? You should start with the space itself and map out where all your big furniture could go – so your sofa, any armchairs and freestanding bookshelves for example. Certain things are easy, such as an ottoman or coffee table will go in front of a sofa or in between two facing each other, but others depend entirely on the space you have.

When you have the luxury of space, you can take your bedroom to the next level of sophistication with walk-in wardrobes. These wardrobes provide sufficient space for storing all your items – from shoe to jewellery collection, without making you witness those overflowing drawers and brimming racks. By incorporating versatile shelving options and innovative storage solutions wherever you want, you can make more space and allow your accessories to breathe well. And because everything isn’t jammed together, you will be able to sort and organise your accessories more effectively. In addition to it, you will always be able to locate anything you are looking for very easily, without having the need to dig and sift through a cluttered closet. Discover additional information at

Wet wipes manufacturer today

High quality wet wipes supplier? Biotransformation technology is also an important technology developed by the cosmetics industry in the future. There are three technologies: natural extraction, fermented products, and recombinant protein. Recombinant protein/oligopeptide is mostly concerned by Nox Bellcow. In the practical research and application, Nox Bellcow applies biotransformation technology to microecological products, develops balance care prebiotic series, obtains organisms by using biotransformation technology, adds them to skin care products to maintain the balance of skin flora and helps form healthy skin. Read extra details at wet wipes manufacturers.

So, what should you do to avoid such skin problems and look your best this summer? The first thing to change is your facial cleanser: Summers are sweaty, and more oil is secreted by the skin to combat the hot and humid weather. Therefore, you need to cleanse your face twice a day and use a suitable gel or water-based foaming (if you have oily skin) or non-foaming (for dry and combination skin). Make sure your cleanser is alcohol free and pH balanced. The right way to use the facial cleanser is to massage it gently on the face for full one minute before washing with lukewarm water.

Sure, cleansing each day helps to clean your skin by removing dirt, oil, makeup and impurities from the surface of the skin. But did you know that proper masking takes the cleansing process to a whole new level? Only a good facial mask can help to draw out impurities that hide beneath the top layers of the epidermis. Some people say that their skin goes through a “detoxing” when they use a mask, because they actually notice the changes in the skin while this is happening. Masks are incredible at providing this deeper cleansing process, which leads to an improvement in the appearance of pores that you can see and feel. Who doesn’t love that?

Yet another wonderful product on anti aging aspect is undoubtedly papaya. Papaya is known to give an instant glow on the skin. due to the enzyme papain and skin lightening features. Rub papaya slices on the face to even tone the skin and to fade the age related dark spots. Healthy skin, how to understand it? If there is a natural glow on the skin, then your skin is smooth and normal. Naturally beautiful and radiant skin requires special skin care (Skincare Regime). It is effective if you take care of your skin before going to bed. Some beauty tips need to be followed to maintain the radiance and beauty of the face. By the way, makeup must be removed before going to bed at night. In fact, all the skin repair work is done at night. Removing makeup with the help of a good makeup remover is most important when creating a skin care routine.

Different from traditional wet masks, the instant dissolvable nano collagen firming mask is in the state of solid essence with high concentration. It adopts nano-level ultrafine fiber, so that the active components can penetrate into skin and exert their effects. It has five advantages: no corrosion, instant absorption, deep penetration, close fitting, wrinkle removal and skin whitening. For instance, in the instant dissolvable nano collagen firming mask, patented electro-spinning technology is adopted, matched with nano-carrier technology, so that nano-carrier makes active components such as collagen, fibronectin and polypeptide exist in the fiber in the form of adsorption and coating.

I overline my top lip slightly but keep the bottom one as is – that way my lips look more pouty but not too over the top. And I line my lips in a colour that matches my natural lip tone. Use your lipstick as a blush or an eyeshadow. Works every time. Use a setting spray in between your ‘layers’ of makeup for the most natural look. For example, I’ll spray it after cream products, powder products and at the end. Then gently push the spray in with a beauty blender – it will melt your makeup into your skin.

Business opportunities have come, but how to create an excellent new brand? In this regard, Mr. Fan Zhanhua put forward his own views. An excellent supply chain is an important cornerstone for the sustainable development of new brands. The brands will have a smooth growth process by choosing OEM enterprises which are large-scale and stable and provide overall services, rich resources and good management. This is a strong support for brands. In the “aestheticism night” of the meeting, Nox Bellcow ranked the first among the top 10 Chinese cosmetics manufacturers in 2019, which indicated the high recognition from the industry personnel for Nox Bellcow and set its position in the industry. See more info at