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Makeup online shopping with You already wear sunscreen every day, right? Good. Because there are tons of great, non-chemical options now available. “Zinc was once thick and white and unpleasant to use, but with all the new mineral options available, more people are making the switch,” says Rogers. You already know the importance of daily sunscreen, but now we are learning more and more about the effects of pollution, infrared radiation and high-energy visible light on the skin. The latest generation of skincare products contains antioxidants targeted toward environmental damage and will continue to grow in popularity in 2020, according to Zeichner.

As you start to dream about the career moves you’ll make, the vacations you’ll take and everything else on your bucket list for 2020, add one more new year to-do to your list: Take great care of your skin. “In general the end of the year/beginning of the new year is a time to reflect on yourself, your life and the past year and resolve to make positive changes,” explains dermatologist Dr. Sejal Shah, M.D. “Just as many people make resolutions to improve their general health (e.g. eat healthier, lose weight, exercise more), the new year is a good time to assess your skin health, set goals for the upcoming year and plan on how you will accomplish those goals.”

Your detergent is irritating your skin. Per Dr. Downie, some of the chemicals in certain laundry detergents can be too harsh for your skin. And once you slip on your clothes or lie on your pillow, your complexion might react to the residue that’s left on the fabric, resulting in breakouts on your face, back, butt, chest, etc. What you can do differently: Choose a detergent that’s fragrance-free, dye-free, and dermatologist-tested for sensitive skin, like Seventh Generation Concentrated Free & Clear Unscented Laundry Detergent. Find additional details on best acne treatment products.

Prime your skin. Investing in the right primer can be very crucial for an even makeup look. It helps makeup to stay longer and gives a hydrated supple touch to the skin. This could be a life-saver, especially for the starters. Photo Finish Foundation Primer Oil will get your skin flawlessly prepared for the application of foundation as this oil nourishes deeply and gives a refined look.

Dermatologists recommend not to over-cleanse oily skin, rather go gentle on a cleanser and your skin. If you rigorously use cleansers on your oily skin, you’ll deprive it of its natural protective barrier. Though you want to over-dry your skin with astringent products, do not be so harsh. This may lead to more oil production by your skin as a response. Use mild skin-care products.

The finest, nontoxic and purely active cutting edge nutrients are synergistically combined to achieve the most rapid and effective Anti-Aging skin care. Bloom Spa products are topically applied nutrients that build collagen and elastin, provide essential and powerful antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and enzymes and contain extreme hydrating, skin softening and exfoliating compounds. The Anti-Aging essential nutrients are enclosed in non-toxic vehicles to carry protective, oxygenating, regenerating, rejuvenating and repairing nutrients for nourishing and balancing the skin’s metabolism. These Nutrients encourage skin cell circulation and reproduction and product real, cumulative, beneficial, long lasting and visible results. Free of all toxic carcinogens, parabens, preservatives, dye, fillers, fragrances and chemicals found in most cosmetics and is never tested on animals. Find even more information on Skin Care Products.

TOTO website advices

Safe TOTO plus Basketball betting strategies for SportsTOTO: It is no secret that the odds makers are good at what they do. Most of the lines they put out are going to be spot on and will make finding value a challenge. That doesn’t mean that value does not exist. When there are lots of games going on, it’s much more likely that you might be able to find some lines with mistakes in them. Smaller games in popularity are also going to have less time spent on setting their lines. There really is no secret to when to try and find bad lines. The key is to have a strategy in place that helps you spot these lines and take advantage of them. One of the best ways to do this is to set up a system to where you determine what you think the line on the game will be BEFORE you actually look at the lines. Then you can bet on the games that look to have value to you. For example, let’s say you are going to be betting NBA games and you want to bet three games.

System bets: System or yankee bets are mostly interesting when you want to play risky bets. So you can bet on that only 3 out of 4 bets have to be correct. By doing so, on the one hand, your chances to win increase although, on the other hand, you have to accept a decrease of your overall odd. But if you bet on one or two underdogs you can push your odds again and still play very profitably. We show you how to win a system bet and which sports are best suitable for this betting concept. If we have caught your attention for sports betting strategies and everything that deals with it, we recommend you our SafeTOTO bet calculator app, where you can calculate your odds easily on your smartphone.

What are Popular Sports to Bet On in South Korea? Most South Koreans bet on football and baseball. Football is probably the one that receives the most bets, with punters concentrating on the K-League and several major international tournaments like the AFC Asian Cup and FIFA World Cup. There are a few who also bet on the English Premier League. Baseball is also one of the favourites in the region. Bets are commonly placed on the Olympics, the KBO League, and the Major League Baseball (MBL).

A strategy that we can use exclusively online is “Minute of the next goal”, where we place a progressive bet on the interval in which the next goal will be scored. Offline is impossible to apply, even if in some agencies we will find matches that we can bet live on the minute of the next goal. In this strategy every second makes a difference, so we can only play it online. Strategies such as Martingale, Fibonacci, Kelly’s system, Labouchere etc. can theoretically be played offline. Basically, however, as we presented at Easy Money, we would have far too obvious losses to play in the neighborhood agencies. Even an amateur bettor who wants to test these strategies should consider these losses because betting is very important to be as efficient as possible.

Both of these sports betting services are national agencies and the only ones licensed for sports betting in South Korea. However, they are not the most popular gambling websites because of their poor gambling odds and limited sports betting options. There are two options if you’re gambling from South Korea, to bet online. The first is Asian bookies which encourage Korean language, provide accounts in South Korean won (KRW) and accept local bank transfer with no fee. It is possible to sign up an account, click live chat and ask the operator to get their bank details. Then only transfer the money via transfer. Find additional info on

If you are new to sports betting, you may have felt a bit in over your head. This is a common occurrence among novice sports bettors, who are suddenly faced with a myriad of sports and sports betting options. The smartest way to overcome this sense of being overwhelmed and making too many costly mistakes, is to adopt solid sports strategies and betting strategies as quickly as possible. While betting strategies covers a lot of ground regarding the different types of bets that can be made, plus which bet might best suit your current level of experience, sports strategies tackle another angle.

What is a Teaser Bet? In layman terms, a teaser is a parlay bet that uses modified point spreads. In football, the most common modification is six points. So let’s say this week there are three bets you like: Jets -7.5, Raiders +1.5, and Bills +5.5. Rather than betting these straight or in a parlay, you could make a three team six point teaser bet of Jets -1.5, Raiders +7.5, Bills +11.5. To win the bet, you’ll need all three teams to cover. At most online betting sites, a winning three teamer pays 1.8 to 1. Standard Teaser Odds: Teaser odds vary from site to site. When betting six point football teasers, you want to find 2 teams -110 or better, 3 teams +180 or better, 4 teams +300 or better.

For our Korean guest :

“이용자”란 “몰”에 접속하여 이 약관에 따라 “몰”이 제공하는 서비스를 받는 회원 및 비회원을 말합니다. ‘회원’이라 함은 “몰”에 회원등록을 한 자로서, 계속적으로 “몰”이 제공하는 서비스를 이용할 수 있는 자를 말합니다. ‘비회원’이라 함은 회원에 가입하지 않고 “몰”이 제공하는 서비스를 이용하는 자를 말합니다. 제3조 약관 등의 명시와 설명 및 개정 “몰”은 이 약관의 내용과 상호 및 대표자 성명, 영업소 소재지 주소(소비자의 불만을 처리할 수 있는 곳의 주소를 포함), 전화번호·모사전송번호·전자우편주소, 사업자등록번호, 통신판매업 신고번호, 개인정보관리책임자 등을 이용자가 쉽게 알 수 있도록 사이버몰의 초기 서비스화면(전면)에 게시합니다. 다만, 약관의 내용은 이용자가 연결화면을 통하여 볼 수 있도록 할 수 있습니다.

“몰”이 약관을 개정할 경우에는 적용일자 및 개정사유를 명시하여 현행약관과 함께 몰의 초기화면에 그 적용일자 7일 이전부터 적용일자 전일까지 공지합니다. 다만, 이용자에게 불리하게 약관내용을 변경하는 경우에는 최소한 30일 이상의 사전 유예기간을 두고 공지합니다. 이 경우 “몰“은 개정 전 내용과 개정 후 내용을 명확하게 비교하여 이용자가 알기 쉽도록 표시합니다. “몰”이 약관을 개정할 경우에는 그 개정약관은 그 적용일자 이후에 체결되는 계약에만 적용되고 그 이전에 이미 체결된 계약에 대해서는 개정 전의 약관조항이 그대로 적용됩니다. 다만 이미 계약을 체결한 이용자가 개정약관 조항의 적용을 받기를 원하는 뜻을 제3항에 의한 개정약관의 공지기간 내에 “몰”에 송신하여 “몰”의 동의를 받은 경우에는 개정약관 조항이 적용됩니다.

기타 회원으로 등록하는 것이 “몰”의 기술상 현저히 지장이 있다고 판단되는 경우 회원가입계약의 성립시기는 “몰”의 승낙이 회원에게 도달한 시점으로 합니다. 회원은 회원가입 시 등록한 사항에 변경이 있는 경우, 상당한 기간 이내에 “몰”에 대하여 회원정보 수정 등의 방법으로 그 변경사항을 알려야 합니다. 제7조 회원 탈퇴 및 자격 상실 등 회원은 “몰”에 언제든지 탈퇴를 요청할 수 있으며 “몰”은 즉시 회원탈퇴를 처리합니다. 회원이 다음 각호의 사유에 해당하는 경우, “몰”은 회원자격을 제한 및 정지시킬 수 있습니다. 가입 신청시에 허위 내용을 등록한 경우 이 웹 사이트에서 안전한 TOTO 게임을 즐기십시오 먹튀검증사이트.

제11조 지급방법 “몰”에서 구매한 재화 또는 용역에 대한 대금지급방법은 다음 각 호의 방법중 가용한 방법으로 할 수 있습니다. 단, “몰”은 이용자의 지급방법에 대하여 재화 등의 대금에 어떠한 명목의 수수료도 추가하여 징수할 수 없습니다. 제12조 수신확인통지ㆍ구매신청 변경 및 취소 “몰”은 이용자의 구매신청이 있는 경우 이용자에게 수신확인통지를 합니다. 수신확인통지를 받은 이용자는 의사표시의 불일치 등이 있는 경우에는 수신확인통지를 받은 후 즉시 구매신청 변경 및 취소를 요청할 수 있고 “몰”은 배송 전에 이용자의 요청이 있는 경우에는 지체 없이 그 요청에 따라 처리하여야 합니다. 다만 이미 대금을 지불한 경우에는 제15조의 청약철회 등에 관한 규정에 따릅니다.

Private equity recruiting firms Denver, CO

Executive recruiters Denver, Colorado? Hiring managers all across the country are swooping in and interviewing qualified candidates. No industry or company is immune to the economic turmoil caused by the novel Coronavirus. Because of this, many organizations have had to make the difficult decision to lay off otherwise brilliant employees, by no fault of their own. With such a large influx of new and highly skilled candidates to explore, those who are actively recruiting during this time have found some of the most valuable employees on the market.

Project which functions will no longer be needed and which will have to be adjusted, as well as what new functions will arise in this new economic climate. Assess how current staff can be retained and retrained in this new structure. Determine what openings exist after evaluating the current state of staff and functions. Factor in business continuity and redundancy needs when assessing workflows and staffing needs. Look for candidates who have worked successfully in virtual environments. All other qualifications being equal, the candidate who has worked in a remote capacity could assimilate faster. Look for candidates who are familiar with multiple virtual business platforms, such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, Zoom, Asana, Trello, proprietary VPNs, and CRMs of all kinds.

Every existing and prospective Spectrum Client is unique, with different needs, challenges, priorities, and corporate cultures. Spectrum appreciates this and will invest considerable time getting to know your business intimately. Should we work together, our goal is to be able to represent your brand as effectively as you do. This discovery process also enables us to develop a compelling value proposition to take to the marketplace, as 95% of the candidates we reach out to are gainfully employed and are not actively seeking new opportunities. The competition for top notch talent today is as fierce as its ever been so it is vital that we make the strongest initial impression possible. See even more info at CFO executive search firm.

Tom co-founded Spectrum Search Partners with Kevin Hahn in 2009. He leads the firm’s business development efforts, manages search assignments, and owns responsibility for several of its clients. He has spent the past 15 years in the human capital business, partnering with Kevin at two executive search firms (DHR International and Tri Worth Solutions), and serving as Chief Sales and Marketing Officer for FASTAFF, a leading travel nursing firm, whom he helped sell to private equity. His passion for helping small and middle market-sized companies grow and maximize their potential with exceptional talent is a big reason why Spectrum was started.

Spectrum Search Partners, LLC is a retained executive search firm that solves the Executive and Functional leadership needs of the Private Equity community and their portfolio companies on a national basis. We are best known for our ability to persuade hands-on A players to step forward and become candidates. Spectrum adds significant value by uniformly and objectively evaluating this talent against a customized Spectrum Scorecard to determine the strongest and most impactful hire. Our unique Scorecard approach has enabled us to fill 100% of our assignments, and build very loyal Client relationships. Find additional information on executive search Denver.

Tips for safe TOTO website by

TOTO site guides: What are Popular Sports to Bet On in South Korea? Most South Koreans bet on football and baseball. Football is probably the one that receives the most bets, with punters concentrating on the K-League and several major international tournaments like the AFC Asian Cup and FIFA World Cup. There are a few who also bet on the English Premier League. Baseball is also one of the favourites in the region. Bets are commonly placed on the Olympics, the KBO League, and the Major League Baseball (MBL).

Football price boosts: One of the most popular promotions across all bookmakers is the price boost on football matches. Simply put, the sportsbook will give you enhanced odds for a limited time on a certain market. It could be the match winner, the first goalscorer, or anything else. You will often see such special deals for popular competitions like the English Premier League and the Champions League. The increased odds already give you an advantage, but you could go one step further and secure profit no matter what happens. You can do that by using the services of a betting exchange to lay (bet against) the same outcome or find another bookie and place a bet on the opposite outcome on odds that will bring you a profit in any scenario.

We mentioned a few times above that we can find opportunities to take advantage of the betting public’s willingness to bet with their heart instead of their head. The obvious caveat to that is that we don’t want ever to be the ones that other people are taking advantage of. The best way to do this is to be careful when we look to bet our favorite teams and be careful who we get news and advice from and how we choose to interpret it. Let’s look at each of these briefly.

What I just covered are the main games of Sports Toto, but there are others. For example right now there is an extra issue game called TOTO OX. This is for raising funds for upcoming sports events such as 2014 Incheon Asian Games, F1 Korean Grands Prix, and others. This involves predicting the correct score in a combo of soccer, basketball, and baseball matches listed on the same card.

However, there are many ways for Korean betting fans to get around it by using offshore sportsbooks to place their bets. To help Korean sports gambling fans, here are the best sports betting websites that are friendly to Koreans. The South Korean individuals try and delight in a broad choice of sports. 1xbet sport is just a Russian sportsbook, which intends to provide among the absolute most comprehensive online betting sites on the web. If you merely bet soccer (football) Asian bookies certainly are a good choice. There’s also a game what your location is able to try to predict the appropriate score in several matches. Both of the other games are picking the proper score in 2 or 3 matches or predicting the very first half and last half score in just a match. The 3rd Soccer Toto game is predicting the correct score in several matches. Find additional info on

This same math can be used on other teasers as well. To run through one more example, we’ll look at a three team teaser at +180. A bet at these odds is $100 to win $180, so a winning bet returns $280 (our $100 stake plus $180 win). Using the break even formula of risk divided by return, we get 100/280=0.35714. This teaser has three teams, so we need to know which number times itself three times equals 0.35714. Here we use a cube root calculator to determine that the answer is 0.7095 x 0.7095 x 0.7095. So in a three team six point teaser, each leg must win 70.95% of the time to break even. We plug that into a moneyline converter and get -244. We’ve now deciphered that a three team six point teaser at +180 is a three team parlay at -244 per team. The bookmaker sold us six points and charged us 134 cents (from the standard -110) for those points.

Sports betting today is far more sophisticated than it has ever been in its entire history. Today, the number of different sports which you can bet on 24 hours a day is easily triple that of the sports variety available a few decades ago. In order to be truly successful, the modern digital sports bettor really has to know the ins and outs of all sports, particularly those with bigger, expanded markets. While many betting types are available across multiple sports, each sport has its own set of rules and conventions which must be followed. Adopting a sports strategy is the ideal way to enhance your overall sports betting strategy and will help you to get more out of the sport you choose to bet in. Our easy to follow sports strategy guides are designed to help you gain the knowledge and insights needed to become a successful, all-round sports bettor.

For our korean readers :

메이저 놀이터의 선정을 위해 합리적인 판단 기준을 마련하고자 노력하고 있습니다. 먹튀사이트는 12만명의 회원님의 추천과 안전놀이터 선정당해 기준 5년간 먹튀사고가 단 한번도 없는 업체만을 회원님들에게 안전놀이터로서 소개하고 있습니다. 저희의 먹튀검증시스템을 엄격하다고 말하지 않습니다. 완벽한 검증시스템을 마련하고자 팀의 전원이 엄격한 심사와 검증자료를 만들고자 끊임없이 노력하고 있습니다.

안전한 토토사이트 검증단계를 소개합니다. 안전놀이터 이용 회원의 검증요청 접수 검증요청 사이트 담당자에게 자료요구 및 증거자료 제시 검증에 대한 충분한 해명이 있을 경우 검증요청 회원에게 통보 검증에 대한 해명이 불분명 할 때 토토사이트에 먹튀등록 안전놀이터 보증금에서 먹튀보상금 지급 ​안전놀이터 등록 업체 취소 및 제재

완벽한 먹튀검증으로 추천하는 메이저사이트 ​검증사이트 먹튀발생시 100%보상 먹튀사이트는 2008년 국내 최초로 메이저사이트 및 먹튀보증업체 서비스를 시작하여 먹튀검증 최초로 먹튀사이트의 피해복구를 제공하는 커뮤니티로 성장하여, 2019년 현재 12만 고정유저님들에게 다양한 서비스를 진행해오고 있습니다. 365일 24시간 먹튀검증팀의 안전놀이터를 만들고자 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 이 웹 사이트에서 안전한 TOTO 게임을 즐기십시오 메이저사이트 추천.

메이저 놀이터의 선정을 위해 합리적인 판단 기준을 마련하고자 노력하고 있습니다. 먹튀사이트는 12만명의 회원님의 추천과 안전놀이터 선정당해 기준 5년간 먹튀사고가 단 한번도 없는 업체만을 회원님들에게 안전놀이터로서 소개하고 있습니다. 저희의 먹튀검증시스템을 엄격하다고 말하지 않습니다. 완벽한 검증시스템을 마련하고자 팀의 전원이 엄격한 심사와 검증자료를 만들고자 끊임없이 노력하고 있습니다.

Hot tub maintenance tricks

Pro quality hot tub repair service in Colorado: Draining and refilling your spa is hard work that you’re probably not thrilled to take on unless absolutely necessary. So if you’re trying to track down interior surface problems in your spa such as texture issues, cracks, etc., but don’t want to drain the whole works to do so, make a run to your kitchen sink. A squirt or two of dish soap will help break ripples on the water’s surface, giving you a clearer view of what’s going on beneath.

Advices for purchasing a hot tub : Reclined seating lets you lay back, fully submerged in spa water. Loungers usually have more jets for a full-body massage. The best spas are deep enough to prevent you from floating out of the lounger. A lounge takes the equivalent space of up two standard seats. Tubs for families or friends the need more seats could skip the lounger for an extra spot.

Here are some tips about how to maintain your hot tub and also a suggestion if you live in Colorado. Parents and caregivers should never-not even for a moment-leave children alone near open bodies of water, such as lakes or swimming pools, nor near water in homes (bathtubs, spas), according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Spas and hot tubs are dangerous for young children, who can easily drown or become overheated. Don’t allow young children to use hot tubs, the AAP advises. Parents should learn CPR and keep a cellphone and emergency equipment (i.e., life preservers) at poolside.

Keep your spa water clean from algae, bacteria and other unwanted impurities by maintaining a safe amount of sanitizer. With too much sanitizer in your spa water, your lungs, skin and eyes may become irritated.

Water conditioners- We are a select supplier of “Soft Skin Spa” water conditioner to remove harshness of water sanitizing chemicals and reduce maintenance expenses. Salt Water Conversions – Dead Sea Salt Water Conversions bring the sea to your back yard and eliminate the need to add harsh chemicals. All Parts and labor are guaranteed for one year from the date of repair or replacement. Don’t rely on two different companies to install and set up your hot tub. Dr spa can fully wire and configure your hot tub so you only need to make one phone call for all your needs.

Your daily maintenance tasks are all about ensuring good water quality. In a hot tub that means checking two things: PH and sanitizer levels. This is easy stuff, and can generally be accomplished by dipping a single, color-coded test strip into the water to check that everything is as it should be. If you’re diligent about maintaining your tub, most days this won’t mean doing anything more than walking out to your tub, dipping the test stick in the water, and heading back inside. If your PH or sanitizer levels need adjusting, however, you’ll need take an extra few minutes to dump the proper additive into your water to get things back their proper levels. Doing so will prevent a host of problems, including scaling, mineral buildup, corrosion, skin irritation, and cloudy and stinky water. This spa care tip is so often forgotten. However, if the skimmer starts to suck air, it could possibly damage the pump. The water level should be in the middle of the skimmer intake or a little higher. You don’t want it too high, and you never want to overflow the spa, so keep a close eye on the water level while filling.

But first let’s see the hot tub choice of the month : Essential is a well-renowned manufacturer of hot tubs and it is little surprise that they have so far dominated this list. The Essential Adelaide is another highly affordable premium quality hot tub that comes with all the features and benefits you would normally associate with much more expensive brands and models. The Adelaide has an aesthetically pleasing yet extremely functional design that sets it apart from the rest of the competition. Small touches such as the drink trays provide that added touch of luxury that makes this hot tub truly look more expensive than it is. Discover additional info on this website.

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Free learning games online on Free html games are trendy in 2020 because you can play them from any device, from any location, including school, workplace or even when sitting on a …anything -laughs- Here are some hot free Unity games in 2020.

Do you want to play games? mk.js resembles in concept with one of the most popular video game series Tekken. The fighting game comes in three types “Basic”, “Multiplayer” and “Network”. Its basic structure is created in HTML5, styling is done using CSS3 while the game logic is written in JavaScript. If you are a great fan of fighting games then you will love to read its code and I hope you will be able to write something better in future. 3D Hartwig chess set is one of the most interesting example of open source HTML5 and JavaScript games. As it has one of the most appealing user interface and provides an amazing user experience. It is created using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Note that its source code is available under MIT License.

Do you want to develop games? Kiwi.js takes the frustration away from developing 2D games for HTML5 browsers. The platform integrates a super fast WebGL and Canvas rendering engine that can deploy your games to desktop and mobile devices. The rich collection of Kiwi plugins allows you to create more meaningful game experiences, some of those plugins are: an achievements engine so you can create custom achievements based on user progress, an artificial intelligence algorithm so your game can grow depending on the choices your users are making, an advanced integration of physics into your games, quest management, sprites and shades for all situations, also a social media connector so your users can log-in using their social media details, but also to share their game progress on social media. Kiwi.js has some of the best tutorials in the market, making it easy for anyone to quickly build their very first HTML5 game using a JavaScript engine.

Moving to some of my favorite sports games that are fun to play and challenging like football, baseball, and basketball. If you are a fan of hunting and also enjoy fishing but you don’t have the time or outside the weather is bad you can explore and have a blast with the best online fishing-hunting games. Try the most realistic angling fishing game online in this thrilling Sport Fishing 2 game and also explore other similar bass games fishing, and fishing games bass. Then move to the most adrenaline-pumping hunting games online in epic sniper games like Classical Rabbit Sniper Hunting 2019, Classical Hippo Hunting, Forest hunter, Super Hunting, and Dinosaurs Jurassic Survival World. Also, there are hundreds of many more free online sports games like Hockey Games, Tennis Games, Pool Games, Golf Games, Bowling Games, Skateboard Snowboard games, and Cricket Games. The more advanced Word Cup and Olympic Sports Games will bring you the best experience and will increase your reflex skills in fun to play multiplayer PVP sports battles. Find even more info on tic tac toe 2 player.

Looking for the newest html5 games that you can play online in your internet browser? IO games are hot and in this post we will take a look a few of them. Astray is no doubt an amazing example of best open source HTML5 and JavaScript games. This game really stands out from the rest of crowd as it showcases the ability of what WebGL can do in a web browser. It uses the Three.js and Box2dWeb libraries to create an advanced 3D user interface. The developer does not believe in the licenses and allows you to use it however you like. Clumsy Bird is a clone of “Flappy Bird” game and it makes use of the open source and lightweight HTML5 game engine MelonJS. The game works by you controlling a flying character and the mission is to successfully pass it from in-between the incoming walls without hitting them.

The first Dirt Rally was a revelation when it arrived in 2015, departing from the snapback caps and energy drink ads that erstwhile came to define the Dirt series and renewing its focus on the staggering challenge of – well, just keeping a car on the track of a rally course. Dirt Rally 2 does that too, and its’ better at it in every way. Rallying is an incredibly high-skill discipline, and Codemasters don’t ask any less of you than a real 4WD WRC vehicle would. At least, that’s how it feels – in truth none of us have firsthand experience of how it feels to fling a Citroen through Finland’s dirt roads as quickly as Sebastien Ogier can do it, nor will we ever. But the transfer of weight in Dirt Rally’s cars, the feeling of raw power while the wheels scrabble for traction under you, feel utterly convincing.