A few tips for your RV lifestyle

Road Van (RV) life is amazing. Fun, travel, freedom combined in one lifestyle. But there are many aspects that can be optimized, to make your RV life even cheaper. RV parking tricks : We use two-way radios to give us a way to talk to each other and to lessen the impact if I inadvertently end up in a position where Mark can’t see me in the rearview mirror. We use the longest distance radios we can get, to make sure the signal is decent. Right now we have 36 mile GMRS radios, which are realistically good to about 3-5 miles. We used these on our boat (a godsend when anchoring) and we’ve used them ever since we started RVing. We’ve gone through three sets so far, because the salt air ate up two pairs during our cruising years.

You’re going to wrestle with what you’ll need to take with you on the road. I promise that you will need far less than you think you do. And no matter how well you plan and analyze the things you take, you’re probably going to make mistakes; that’s part of the process. Clothing: How much clothing you take will depend on where you expect to travel. Most full-time RVers follow the weather, meaning they head north or west during the summer, and south during the winter. Constantly living in a mild climate means you will need few thick and heavy clothes. The trick to putting together a workable RV wardrobe is to choose clothes that all look good together (so you can easily mix and match), and to choose clothes that you can easily layer if the need arises. Chances are, you only wear 20% (or less) of the clothes you have in your closet. Choose the pieces that you wear the most, and purge the rest.

After too many items flying off the counter and drawers coming unlatched around a corner, we knew it was time to have a checklist. Just like pilots have a pre-flight checklist, it’s important to have a pre-departure checklist for your RV. Every checklist will be different depending on the type of RV and the gear. The important thing is to make a comprehensive list and check it EVERY time you leave. We got complacent a few times and inevitably we would forget something. Just like the cupboards in your house, everything has a place in an RV. The difference is, when the RV is going down a bumpy road and that bottle of vinegar gets loose because it was put back in the wrong place, you might end up with a mess on your hands. It also makes packing up a much faster process because you know where all the pieces of the puzzle go.

Short road van pick of the month : I have a Coachmen Class C RV, and the Pursuit is their shortest Class A. I know Thor owns the company now, but this might worth the try if you want to buy a short RV that is easy to drive and fits into most places. It has a ton of amazing features built right in, and they now have a model without slides (that is slightly longer than this). Read extra info at supporting your RV lifestyle.

RV security system pick : Tattletale RV Alarm: This is another advanced security alarm system designed with modern technology to give your RV great protection from burglars. It has one of the fastest cellular alarm systems on the market, powered by Verizon at no cell charges. It is easy to set up and takes only about 60 seconds, can be plugged into any outlet and has an after-charge performance of up to 20 hours. What this means is that even when it is not connected to an electric source, you can continue to enjoy efficient protection.

Get out of debt, Debt is not a reward, and you should avoid it at all costs. When you have a debt, you will have limitations since you cannot make any major changes until the debt is cleared. One major debt you can incur is getting your RV on loan. It is better to pay cash for it than take a loan since you will end up paying more for it. Getting out of debt is your first step towards financial freedom. Try to get an RV you can afford. Source: https://smallrvlifestyle.com