Hot tub repair company in Colorado

Hot tubs advices: The most important step is to sanitize the water. The most popular way to do this is with chlorine or bromine based chemical, usually in a slow dissolving tablet form. There are several alternative sanitizing agents such as ozone, silver ions, copper ions, and enzymes but use these with caution since most are not effective without additional chlorine or bromine agents.

Here are some advices about how to maintain your hot tub and also a recommandation if you live in Colorado. It starts out innocently enough: a little flirting, teasing, and water play. Everyone becomes a kid again in the water, and casual horseplay can quickly get out of hand, with someone getting hurt. In the limited space of a hot tub, there’s no place to contain the action. Yes, it may be fun, but someone can slip easily, hit his or her head, twist an ankle, etc. Just, don’t. Don’t jump or dive into a spool, spa, or hot tub. Climb in carefully; do not allow anyone to run or play while in or near the spa.

Advices for purchasing a hot tub : Plan on inviting guests or relatives over? Make room for a larger tub with more seats. You won’t want to take turns in your new hot tub. Will you be using the hot tub alone or with just two people at a time? If space is limited, a 2-3 person spa will be perfect. With a little more room, an extra seat or two is nice for stretching out.

One of the most important factors in deciding when to change your hot tub water is the level of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)-a measure of everything soluble in your spa’s water. High TDS levels can indicate organic contamination and other problems. You can avoid doing full water changes by taking a page from aquarium enthusiasts and performing partial water changes at more frequent intervals than you would full ones. Rather than emptying your tub completely, remove a portion of your spa’s water, check the levels with a TDS meter , and adjust as necessary until your water is balanced and healthy. Low TDS levels make balancing your water chemistry much easier and help your sanitizers work more efficiently. Partial water changes are especially helpful in cold climates, where a full water change might not always be practical due to inclement weather or extreme temperatures.

Tap water is pretty good spa water in most areas. But in some areas (and you know where you are), you can run into issues of soft or hard water, high alkalinity, pH imbalance, or high levels of chloramines, metals and minerals. You can test your tap water with your test kit, or when testing after a drain and refill, you can measure the suitability of your tap water as spa water. Using a spa pre-filter removes metals, odors and the finest silt from your spa fill water. Find even more info at Hot Tub Services and Repairs in Colorado.

But first let’s see the hot tub choice of the month : By far, Cal Spas has the most hot tub models available across its six hot tub product lines. Cal Spas also sells eight models of swim spas. The sheer number of Cal Spas’ available options is almost overwhelming. The manufacturer has 51 hot tub models and several color and upgrade options as well. Cal Spas is one of the only spa companies we evaluated with a salt water sanitation option, as well as UV-C and ozone options. This spa brand is a great option for different hot tub shapes as it offers oval and triangle spas in addition to the usual square options. With so many options, the website is difficult to navigate, and Cal Spas does not have pricing guidelines for its products, which makes narrowing down your options without speaking to a dealer inconvenient. However, we love the sheer amount of options at CalSpas when it comes to hot tub size, shape, color and upgrades.

The only weekly hot tub maintenance chore is “shocking” the water with sanitizer. Whether you use chlorine or bromine, hitting your tub with an extra strong dose of the sanitizer once a week is an easy way to keep your water clear and crystal clean. Besides shocking your tub, other weekly maintenance rituals are specific to your water type and how often you use your spa. Foaming can be a problem if you use your spa regularly, and can be easily solved by pouring a small amount of foam reducer into the water once a week. And if you live in an area with high calcium or mineral content, you might want to hit your water with a de-scaling agent once a week as well. It will prevent mineral buildup in your pumps, hoses, and on the walls of the hot tub itself. This spa care tip is so often forgotten. However, if the skimmer starts to suck air, it could possibly damage the pump. The water level should be in the middle of the skimmer intake or a little higher. You don’t want it too high, and you never want to overflow the spa, so keep a close eye on the water level while filling.