Make money blogging guides 2024 with Online Money Take

Make money blogging ideas 2024 by Online Money Take: Probably the most popular type of blog created with the purpose of making money. This kind of blog will take a deep dive into a particular niche or theme to cover as many topics as possible (to maximize traffic) or just the ones that are fit for the blog’s angle. Topics are usually picked by the criteria of: Traffic potential (mostly organic traffic from search engines). The ability to monetize traffic (for instance, some topics will earn only from ads while others will also be a good fit for product placement). Popular requests from readers and Trends. Find more info on Online Money Take.

Just like sending messages will move your subscribers, getting recorded messages is also very effective. Therefore, create an opt-in page with a special message for those who sign-up for your email list. However, letting people subscribe gives them a sneak peek in-advance; this will help them make a decision. If you want to repurpose your Facebook live videos be sure to read this Amazing Step By Step Guide for Downloading Facebook Live Videos.

Types of affiliate marketing: Affiliates always carry a bit of mystery—you never know if the person has ever really used the product or if they are just promoting it for the money. Both cases still exist today. It wasn’t until 2009 when renowned affiliate marketer Pat Flynn broke down the different types of affiliate marketers into three groups. Understanding these types of affiliate marketing can show you the different ways people make money online in this space, regardless of your moral compass.

Here are a few things that a business can do to appear in local searches: Select the correct category for your business and include keywords in the description and content; Create relevant content for your business; Use title tags and meta descriptions; Get contextual links from local and industry-relevant websites; Build up mentions of your business in local magazines or on government sites; Create landing pages for specific keywords and phrases; Leverage Google My Business and each of its features; Get citations for your local business.

Content marketing is a type of digital marketing that focuses on creating and distributing content for a target audience. The content aims at being valuable, relevant, and (ideally) consistent. Its ultimate goal is to drive a profitable customer action. The crucial part here is “valuable” and “relevant”. This is what tells content marketing apart from traditional spammy advertising. The target audience should want to seek the content out and consume it. In the broader sense, content marketing is part of every other digital marketing activity, be it social media marketing, SEO, or email marketing. Quality content should be the core of every other marketing activity you pursue. Some examples of content marketing include: blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, white papers, case studies, ebooks.

It is obvious that with so much things to consider, not everyone would be able to create a good website on their own. Professionally designed website not only gives you a great variety of customization and functionalities, but also frees you from spending so much time on learning to design and maintain a website. Opportunity cost is the potential loss from committing to one action while giving up the others. In this case, the opportunity cost of designing your own website to save money is the time that you could have spent to improve your business operation and business strategy if you had hired a professional web developer to design and maintain your website.

Before you get too excited, know that great affiliate marketing is built on trust. While seemingly there is an endless number of products or services to promote, it’s best to only highlight those you personally use or would recommend. Even when a product interests you or fits within an existing hobby, becoming a great affiliate marketer for that product takes a lot of work. Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It requires time and patience to grow an audience and gain influence. You’ll want to test different channels to see which connect best with your audience. Research the most relevant and credible products to promote. Spend time blogging, publishing free content on social media, hosting virtual events, and doing other lead-generating activities on your marketing channels. Find extra details at

Your marketing strategies seek to pass every lead you catch through your funnel before they make a purchase—and then follow up with them to make sure they return to your company and make more transactions. You can give consumers the impression that you are engaging them directly by setting up welcome e-mails, quotes or forecasts, and/or openings to visit your site to “drip” through their phones—even if your automated campaign is really only pushing them through a series that was programmed months in advance. Engaging with consumers on social media is at the heart of the business, getting a presence on social media in the first place. However, too many company owners use social media as they do for their personal profiles, browse through references and answers, and throw away their reactions when they have the time.

To gain your target audience, you must contribute to blogs that already have an established flow of traffic. Your contribution to a blog should be relevant to the kind of content you provide on your own site. This helps the audience maintain interest in what you have to say. Building better backlinks will help optimize your success in gaining relevant traffic. Contributing to popular blogs in your niche is a great way to introduce your content to an audience rather than waiting for them to find you.

Société de référencement naturel

Expert SEO: L’optimisation des moteurs de recherche (ou SEO) consiste à optimiser intentionnellement votre contenu afin que les moteurs de recherche comme Google le trouvent pertinent et le classent plus haut sur leurs pages de résultats. Bien que la mise en œuvre de pratiques de référencement sur votre site puisse fournir ces résultats, le succès peut prendre des mois. Cependant, les annuaires d’entreprises en ligne sont considérés comme une source d’informations précieuse et fiable par Google et d’autres moteurs de recherche. Pour cette raison, la première page de résultats des recherches d’entreprises locales contient généralement des résultats pour les annuaires d’entreprises en ligne. Si vous êtes répertorié sur un site d’annuaire d’entreprises, vous avez la chance de bénéficier de leur référencement bien établi et d’apparaître sur la première page des principaux moteurs de recherche comme Google et Bing. Lire extra info sur ce site Web Agence marketing.

Un annuaire d’entreprises en ligne est bien plus que ce qu’étaient autrefois les listes traditionnelles comme les Pages Jaunes. Ils peuvent être idéaux pour permettre aux clients potentiels de trouver et d’en savoir plus sur votre entreprise en ligne lorsqu’il s’agit du résultat le plus pertinent de ce qu’ils recherchent. Cela fait d’un annuaire d’entreprises locales un atout unique pour attirer de nouveaux clients à votre porte.

L’essor des technologies immersives comme la réalité virtuelle et la réalité augmentée offre aux entreprises un outil puissant pour améliorer l’engagement des clients. Les entreprises peuvent mettre en valeur leurs produits de manière unique et convaincante en offrant aux consommateurs des expériences immersives et interactives. Cette approche marketing innovante peut augmenter considérablement l’intérêt pour le produit et stimuler les ventes. De plus, cela peut rendre la marque plus mémorable, améliorant ainsi la reconnaissance et la mémorisation de la marque. L’évolution vers des stratégies de contenu thématiques aide les entreprises à renforcer leur autorité dans leurs niches respectives. Les entreprises peuvent démontrer leur expertise et leurs connaissances en se concentrant sur un contenu complet autour d’un seul sujet, favorisant ainsi la confiance des consommateurs. Cette autorité accrue peut conduire à des classements SEO plus élevés, améliorant ainsi la visibilité en ligne de l’entreprise et attirant davantage de clients potentiels. L’évolution constante du marketing numérique, propulsée par des technologies innovantes et l’évolution des comportements des consommateurs, crée un paysage transformateur pour les entreprises. Alors que nous traversons 2024 et au-delà, il devient clair de comprendre et d’intégrer les tendances influentes dans les stratégies marketing. Les entreprises doivent anticiper et s’adapter aux tendances futures dans ce paysage en évolution. De plus, il est crucial de surveiller les tendances du marketing numérique en 2024 et au-delà. Cette approche proactive permet de maintenir un avantage concurrentiel, alimentant ainsi une croissance et un succès continus. Naviguer efficacement dans ces transformations de l’écosystème du marketing numérique est essentiel pour prospérer et surpasser la concurrence dans les années à venir.

Qu’est-ce que le marketing Internet/en ligne ? Le marketing en ligne, également connu sous le nom de marketing Internet ou publicité Web, est une forme de marketing qui utilise Internet pour transmettre des messages promotionnels aux clients via des canaux numériques tels que les moteurs de recherche, le courrier électronique, les sites Web et les réseaux sociaux. Les stratégies de marketing en ligne incluent la conception de sites Web, le référencement, le courrier électronique, les médias sociaux, le PPC et d’autres méthodes liées à Internet. Quel est le rôle du marketing Internet ? En termes simples, le rôle du marketing Internet est d’aider votre entreprise à atteindre, attirer et convertir des audiences en ligne. Examinons deux objectifs distincts que vous aurez avec le marketing Internet, ainsi que les méthodes nécessaires que vous devrez adopter pour atteindre ces objectifs.

Chaque entreprise veut figurer sur la première page des résultats des moteurs de recherche. C’est un endroit très convoité, c’est pourquoi vous trouverez des entreprises qui investissent des centaines de milliers de dollars pour l’immobilier en première page sur Internet. Si vous êtes un spécialiste du marketing numérique et que vous pouvez placer n’importe lequel de vos clients sur la première page de Google, vous pouvez demander n’importe quel prix. Malheureusement, il n’est pas si facile d’y parvenir et il y a tellement de facteurs qui doivent s’aligner pour que cela se produise. Nous sommes en 2022 et l’optimisation des moteurs de recherche est toujours l’un des aspects les plus puissants pour qu’une entreprise soit bien classée dans les résultats de recherche. résultats du moteur. De l’optimisation des images à l’optimisation de votre site Web pour les mobiles, il y a tellement de choses que vous devez faire sans faute pour être prêt pour le référencement. La conception UX consiste à faire appel aux émotions des visiteurs du site Web. En bref, il s’agit de rendre les gens heureux et d’influencer positivement leur comportement. La question évidente : quel est le lien entre le référencement et l’UI/UX ? Lorsqu’un visiteur arrive sur votre site Web grâce à vos efforts de référencement, avoir une bonne expérience utilisateur est ce qui le poussera à rester plus longtemps sur le site et, finalement, à passer à l’étape suivante, c’est-à-dire la conversion. Lire extra info sur ce portail de voyage

Le pouvoir du marketing par panneaux d’affichage et dépliants a disparu depuis longtemps, même si certaines entreprises continuent de combiner des campagnes de marketing en ligne et hors ligne pour transmettre des messages à un public de plus en plus distrait. Cependant, la croissance des agences de marketing numérique témoigne du pouvoir toujours croissant des dépenses publicitaires en ligne et du besoin de spécialistes du marketing numérique. Sur les 7,9 milliards d’habitants de la planète, 4,88 milliards de personnes ont désormais accès à Internet, le plus souvent via un smartphone. les gens sont des utilisateurs actifs des réseaux sociaux qui, en moyenne, passent quotidiennement près de deux heures et demie uniquement sur les réseaux sociaux.

Digital consulting trends for BJJ websites

Premium social media marketing for Brazilian jiu jitsu busineses: SEO for BJJ gyms & brands – Don’t rely on social media to get more customers. With expert SEO (search engine optimisation), you can significantly boost your website traffic and reach to attract students living near your gym or customers looking to buy products or services like yours. Whether you’re a BJJ gym owner or a Jiu Jitsu brand with an e-commerce store, I can help you execute an effective SEO strategy to generate more leads. Find extra details at marketing for bjj.

The digital marketing landscape is shifting rapidly with the arrival of 2024, heralding new paradigms that marketers and businesses must grasp. What are the digital marketing trends in 2024 and beyond? The dynamic ecosystem shaped by technological innovations, spearheaded by artificial intelligence, immersive technologies, and an enhanced understanding of customer behavior will change marketing. These are not merely means to keep up with competition but tools to enable profound, impactful interactions with audiences. 2024 marks a significant leap in digital marketing, powered by tech advances such as artificial intelligence and a refined comprehension of consumer needs and behaviors.

Premium internet marketing for Brazilian jiu jitsu busineses: All marketing campaigns are designed to achieve certain goals. Goals for a brand awareness campaign could be getting 30% more followers and increasing engagement by 5%. It’s the same for social media marketing. If you’re investing resources to creating impactful content, the goal would be to attract more followers and have them engage with your brand on your homepage. It’s pretty easy to see whether you’re hitting these goals and if you aren’t, it’s time to hire a social media manager.

Pictures speak louder than words — it brings the text to life. This is why you need to add relevant images wherever possible when writing a blog post or any piece of content. The images should add value to your content and make readers attracted to it. The images used should be well optimized and used in the right context. The file size, as well as length and breadth, should be as per the design and layout of the website. Pick the right file format. Use JPEG for images that have lots of color and PNG for simple images. Use the following WordPress plug-ins for image optimization: Yoast SEO, ShortPixel, ImageRecycle, Optimus Image Optimizer, and TinyPNG. Check your website’s page loading times after you’ve optimized images using the following tools: GTMetrix, WebWait, Pingdom, and WebPageTest. Use alt tags, optimize the image title, include captions, and use unique images. Add structured data to your images as it helps search engines display your images as rich results. Find more details on

What is Internet/Online Marketing? Online marketing, also known as internet marketing or web advertising, is a form of marketing that uses the internet to deliver promotional messages to customers through digital channels such as search engines, email, websites, and social media. Online marketing strategies include web design, SEO, email, social media, PPC, and other internet-related methods. What’s the role of internet marketing? Simply put, the role of internet marketing is to help your business reach, attract, and convert online audiences. Let’s dive into two separate goals you’ll have with internet marketing, as well as the necessary methods you’ll want to take to achieve those goals.

Nothing sparks conversation more than a good AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Instagram Stories. And while influencers have been known to use the Instagram Stories question sticker to help their followers get to know them more, there’s no reason why you can’t do the same for your business.It’s a great opportunity for your followers to get to know your brand better, or get more information about your products. On the flipside, it’s a great place for you to ask your followers some questions. You could spark a conversation about your next season’s color palette, or what product lines they’d like to see more of.

High quality email marketing for BJJ busineses: A research paper AdsRunner came across shows that global digital ad spend grew by 31% in 2021 and it is estimated that will grow by another 17% to hit $515,277 Billions in 2022. This shift to the online space and associated increase in advertising has, however, have led to a downside of much higher competition and higher advertising costs for many players. Following this trend, more retailers have closed their physical stores and have shifted their focus online. Together with this, businesses have allocated more of their marketing budgets to digital advertising and are seeing unanticipated boosts in revenues as a result. Some of these businesses are also many of the leading brands with excessively high advertising budgets. This should be a signal to smaller operators who can be confident that if the bigger players are seeing an opportunity, then that is also open to smaller businesses too.

Best social media marketing latest news with Stefan Oliver Yossif Dallas, Texas

Top rated digital consulting strategies from Stefan Oliver Yossif: Communication is one of the main reasons why consumers love interacting with their favorite brands on social media. They’re able to chat, DM, or comment with brand ambassadors to ask questions or learn more about the company’s culture. If you’re busy managing other tasks and don’t have the time to reply to messages, you could be losing customers. You need someone who can be present and engaging to keep the conversation going. A robust community gives modern brands an edge that can’t be replicated. Anyone can repost content from a competitor, and guarantee expedited shipping, or drop-ship products, but true social media fandom is unique. Creating a community doesn’t happen by just posting on your social media channel, it’s about engagement, social awareness, and having an open dialogue with your customers. Building a community takes dedication and you need an expert to cultivate it. Find additional information at Stefan Oliver Yossif Texas.

Stefan Oliver Yossif

2024 will also see a rise in content clustering for SEO. This technique involves creating a cluster of related content centered around a single “pillar” topic, which helps boost SEO ranking. This trend signals a shift towards topic-based content strategies from the traditional keyword-based approach. Artificial Intelligence (AI)’s role in digital marketing will reach new heights after emerging from the trends of 2023. As AI technology evolves, we will see its applications in marketing become even more advanced, paving the way for more profound levels of personalization and predictive analysis. AI will harness vast data to generate valuable insights into consumer behaviors, preferences, and patterns. Consequently, digital marketing will empower businesses to design and implement hyper-targeted marketing strategies that resonate perfectly with their consumers individually.

Top rated internet marketing and eCommerce solutions by Stefan Oliver Yossif Texas: Internet marketing leverages digital channels, including email, social media, websites, and search engines, to reach your ideal audience. Unlike more traditional advertising mediums, such as print, the internet encourages two-way conversations between your business and your customer, ideally creating better long-term customer retention. There’s no avoiding it: internet marketing is critical for the success of your business in 2022 and beyond. But with all the gimmicks and tricks, it can be difficult to distinguish short-term wins from effective long-term strategies, which is why we’ve created an ultimate guide. Here, we’ll cover everything from marketing strategies to real-world examples, to ensure your business reaches the right people out of that four billion.

Natural referencing remains an effective strategy with optimal results for your dropshipping e-commerce. But you have to be patient and meticulous since it takes 6 to 12 months for you to notice the results. Whether you adopt a short or long term marketing development policy, SEO remains a central element that should not be neglected, otherwise, your sales will stagnate. Don’t just post standard and sometimes custom product descriptions. You should learn how to optimize duplicate product descriptions for search. Use detailed and inspiring information that enhances your products and makes visitors want to buy them. Especially if you are on a range of luxury products!

Why China dropshipping? China is the fourth largest oil producer in the world with the country having a production of 1.3 billion barrels in 2002. The size of oil deposits in China is not known for numerous oil exploration studies being conducted in the country. Despite China’s enormous oil production, the country is still oil-deficient and being the world’s largest oil consumer in the world, and the country relies on oil imports to meet its domestic oil demand. China has also invested in renewable energy which is seen as the new frontier in the energy industry, with the country being the top electricity producer from renewable sources. The country has numerous wind farms located in its vast territory as well as in offshore sites to harness wind energy which according to researchers from Tsinghua University, can meet the country’s electricity needs. In 2013, the total electricity output from wind sources amounted to 140 Tw-h.

People who are familiar with your industry including your target customers will choose unique styles and wording to describe your services and products. This is where a combined UX — SEO strategy will work wonders. The UX designer has to ensure that the flow and content of the website are perfectly planned for the user. UX and SEO together work as a strategy when you keep finding improvements in it. Neal Taparia, who runs the brain training platform SolitaireBrain, suggests finding metrics to measure UX. “Keeping users on your site is an increasingly important SEO signal. Search engines want to know they’re surfacing sites that people want. We measure and optimize bounce rate for our solitaire games religiously because not only is it good for engagement, but it improves our search discovery.”

Nothing sparks conversation more than a good AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Instagram Stories. And while influencers have been known to use the Instagram Stories question sticker to help their followers get to know them more, there’s no reason why you can’t do the same for your business.It’s a great opportunity for your followers to get to know your brand better, or get more information about your products. On the flipside, it’s a great place for you to ask your followers some questions. You could spark a conversation about your next season’s color palette, or what product lines they’d like to see more of.

Stefan Oliver Yossif on Digital Marketing : This means for most businesses, it’s becoming ever more challenging to run a profitable business and meet return on ad spend (ROAS) targets; their expected ROI from their digital marketing efforts is not necessarily happening as fast as advertisers would like, or in ways they expect. Align Your Digital Marketing Strategy with Your Business Goals: Your digital marketing strategy must reflect your business strategy, as well as both your short-term and long-term goals. Hence, the are a few considerations to make when either getting started in your digital marketing campaigns or when planning to scale up. If you are a well-established brand, you probably already benefit from a reasonable degree of brand awareness. Chances are, you have successfully built up a customer base and have collected plenty of data in the process, so you know your audiences well and are more easily able to target new and existing customers. These historical data points will help you gain insights into what has worked for you traditionally and build on your strategy moving forward.

B2B services with Viplove Bhojwani in 2024

Top B2C sales solutions with Viplove Bhojwani: Choose Social Media Goals That Address Business Challenges – Goals come first, always. Why should you invest in social media? What are your desired outcomes? What’s tricky, is the wide range of capabilities that social offers – from building brand awareness, to educating consumers, enabling sales and providing customer service. If you can’t zero down on definite goals, ask yourself these questions. Do you need to boost your website traffic? Are you unable to access a certain target market? Does your consumer education program need a new avenue? Do you need to improve your brand-consumer relationship status? If you can answer all of these questions, you are ready to begin building your social media marketing plan. Find many more details at Viplove Bhojwani.

When you publish a flattering case study of a client, they’re likely to link back to it. When you include an industry influencer’s quote in an article they could link to it and/or even post it to their enormous social media following. This is good publicity for them. When you announce a webinar, others may link to it as a means of sharing with their audience. When you publish a list and link to each entity there is a list of sites who could link back to you. Your goal with each type of content is to provide so much value that others want to link back. You get the point – content is a very much needed marketing tool. Most of your time may go into creating content for your blog, but you don’t want to stop there.

Viplove Bhojwani has a diverse work experience in various roles and companies. They started their career at ERPINNEWS in 2014 as a Digital Marketing Manager, where they worked until January 2019. During their time there, they were also appointed as the Head of Content & Marketing, where they were responsible for developing digital strategies, managing the website, and improving the brand image. They utilized their expertise in SEO, PPC, and social media marketing.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a valuable tool, but it should be viewed as part of a broader data strategy. By combining it with other data sources, businesses can enhance their prospecting efforts, expand their reach, and build meaningful relationships. When used effectively and in conjunction with complementary tools, LinkedIn Sales Navigator becomes an indispensable asset in the B2C professional’s toolkit, driving success in prospecting, lead generation, and relationship building.

In 2016, Viplove Bhojwani joined MarketSquads as the Director of Sales and Business Development. They held this position until October 2020 when they became the Chief Executive Officer. They are currently still employed at MarketSquads. Additionally, in 2020, Viplove Bhojwani became a Business Partner (EMEA) at Experiment 27: Marketing for Mobile App Development Agencies. With their experience in digital marketing, sales, and business development, Viplove has acquired a diverse skill set that positions them well for future career opportunities.

Viplove Bhojwani obtained a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree with a specialization in Marketing from Harvard Business School, where they studied from 2013 to 2015. They then acquired additional certifications and education from various institutions. In 2017, Viplove attended the HubSpot Academy and received a certification in Inbound Marketing. They also obtained the Content Marketing Certified certification from the same institution.

In the same year, Viplove Bhojwani completed a course in Email Marketing from the HubSpot Academy. Additionally, Viplove acquired several certifications from different online platforms. In 2019 and 2020, they earned certifications such as Learn LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Jonah Berger on Viral Marketing from LinkedIn, as well as Time Management Fundamentals and Professional Networking from They also obtained various certifications in digital marketing, including Google Analytics and advertising on Facebook and LinkedIn. Viplove’s education history demonstrates a strong commitment to continuous learning and professional development in the field of marketing.

A Learning Curve? More Like a Learning Slide! Getting started with ChatGPT is about as easy as falling off a log. And, unlike the log, you won’t end up with any bruises. The interface is intuitive, and ChatGPT learns as it interacts with you. It’s like having a conversation with a particularly good listener – except this one doesn’t interrupt with random stories about their aunt’s cousin’s dog. So, it’s Perfect? Hold your horses! It’s great, but let’s not crown it king just yet. Like any AI, ChatGPT isn’t infallible. It might occasionally throw in a clunker or misinterpret your request. But hey, who doesn’t make mistakes? The important thing is that it’s a learning tool – every misstep is a step towards better accuracy.

Communication marketing guides from Edan Gelt 2024

Social media brand marketing tips and tricks from Edan Gelt 2024: Consumer loyalty was until recently something a brand achieved by offering quality product and slick marketing. Now, companies are building trust by being loyal to their customer base. Taking Responsibility of Branding During the Pandemic: These days we all must take a level of responsibility in whatever we do. Whether it is self-isolating with symptoms, wearing a mask in public places or just washing your hands frequently. These actions are the new norm. And top brands are taking the same level of responsibility in order to maintain consumer trust. See even more information at Edan Gelt.

If you’re going to try this premise, the item, service or content you provide must have value to your target customers. By delivering the value your core customer most desires, you will not only pique interest but odds are you’ll also gain a loyal customer. Why is free so powerful? Brand Awareness: By giving away a free sample of your core product, you are reaching potential customers that may not have realized your business or product line existed. When people try a product first they are more likely to buy it later because sampling fosters reciprocity and brand loyalty.

Free is one of the most powerful tools available for customer acquisition if done correctly. By offering a free sample, businesses get customers to try a product without putting up a price barrier, while the customer gets a ‘free’ item while not having to gamble a portion of their budget on a product they may not even like. Knowing this, brands should happily eat the costs associated with free. For more social media and brand communication tips – follow Communication Strategist Edan Gelt and her recent blog series –

How To Improve Your Brand Communication Strategy On Social Media? Social media plays a huge role in the lives of consumers. It has been estimated that 2.62 billion people worldwide use at least one social media platform and the average time spent amounted to 135 minutes per day. According to Forbes, personal branding is now more important than ever and, if managed effectively, will give you an edge over your competition and allow you to build trust with potential clients. Brand communication is therefore key to creating a solid and trustworthy image. Discover extra information at

Are you a beauty services provider like a salon or med spa? Create a video of one of your amenities or products and walk through the journey of the client experience. You can do this by speaking about what you’re featuring, capturing the service or even provide a compilation of photographic results. Are you in food services or do you own a restaurant? Mouth-watering food! Feature a favorite dish being prepared over an open fire or paired with wine favorites. Review the measures you’re taking to keep them safe when they choose in-restaurant dining (ventilation, seating spacing, capacity, etc.).

Also, by analyzing your company’s data, this gives you the ability to see if your links are working. If you notice your phone number has been clicked on a high number of times but don’t feel like your phone is actually ringing as much as it says, you can click it yourself to see where it’s taking you. This gives you the ability to triple check to make sure what you input is accurate and working effectively. We know customer reviews are important for your business’s reputation and your businesses visibility. You have the power to maximize your business profile at your fingertips. Promote your business, don’t be afraid to ask for reviews and have that real time engagement with your customers. They hold the power to increase your company’s awareness and increase your business.

Network: This is the easiest and most effective way to market on a dime. Learn how to mix and mingle at work events, conferences, virtual calls, lines at a coffee shop even your kid’s school functions. Traditional old-fashioned networking can go a long way to getting your name out there. When you put a face behind the business or brand it goes a long way. Challenge yourself – try to introduce yourself and your brand to at least 3 new people a week.

Let’s compare the data above to a home seller looking for a lawyer or real estate agent. Starting at the top of the sales funnel – you send out emails, advertise on Facebook, sponsor local events, hand out a card at Starbucks, or a potential client got your name from a friend of a friend. What’s the next step? It is highly likely they will search your name on Google. What happens next is up to you. For those in the real estate industry – Google, Redfin and sometimes Yelp are the keys to your future. Let’s start with Google. Find extra info at Eden Gelt.

Once you’ve decided what you’re going to feature during your segments – consider what is the most important thing you will be sharing about your business/service/product and say it right at the beginning of your video. For example – today, I’m going to walk you through a HydraFacial or I’m going to tell you about the new tenant law passed during the pandemic. Or, let me tell you about our fantastic chicken alfredo, water ride, marketing tip, new product, etc. Then take them on 1 or 2-minute journey. CONSISTENCY IS KEY! Once you’ve made your first video or VLOG (fancier term), you’re on your way but you can’t stop now. You need to generate content consistently. This can be several times per week, once per week, or even once per month. Just stick with it.

Based on your business type, there are other platforms to share your video feed. Explore these options for even more exposure. Yelp is significant for attracting new customers. Since you have a short moment to capture a prospective client or patron – choose a professionally produced shorter video to give an overview of your business or service. Reddit is community based, similar to YouTube so it’s more work than just posting a video, you need to join a community that fits with your business and then interact and engage by posting relevant content and video feed.