San Antonio business law by EstorgaLaw

Texas business formation attorney by Most personal injury attorneys offer a free consultation and case evaluation to help you explore your options for filing a claim. This frees up your time to focus on recovering from your injuries and getting your life back on track. Best of all, you won’t have to pay any legal fees until they recover compensation for your damages. If you were injured in a car accident, motorcycle accident, slip and fall, or any other accident that wasn’t your fault, you deserve compensation.

Keep your attorney informed of anything that might affect your case. Certainly nothing should be signed without first consulting the attorney. Applications for insurance benefits, reports to the State, any change in doctors, returning to work, any change in treatment, etc., should be reported promptly. Disability or unemployment applications should first be checked by the attorney. Keep your attorney advised of any vacation times when you may not be available. An emergency telephone number and an alternative way of reaching you must be in your attorney’s file at all times.

Estorga Johnson Law Firm, PLLC is a general litigation practice. We work diligently with our clients to educate them on the entire process, from initial filings to potential outcomes. The goal is to make sure all questions are answered to ensure clients are fully prepared to meet any challenges that may arise. Having access to experienced and dedicated representation in a legal proceeding can make the difference between a positive or negative outcome that could greatly impact your life. Discover extra details at business lawyer near me.

Getting married is an exciting venture in life, but being prepared for unforeseen circumstances is just as important. I work with clients to counsel and draft paperwork to protect their best interests for favorable outcomes in the event of a divorce or annulment process. It is presumed by Texas Law that the follow percentages are both reasonable and in the best interest of the child(ren) for purposes of determining child support. While Texas child support guidelines are presumptively what should be paid, the Courts may adjust these percentages if the Court determines that the use of these guidelines would be unjust or inappropriate.

Cases involving child protective services are serious and should not be taken lightly. I work with parents that are being investigated by CPS to ensure that their legal rights to their children are protected and help parents decipher the web of demands and request made by the department.

If in your first conversation, the adjuster makes an offer so low that it is obviously just a negotiating tactic to see if you know what your claim is really worth, do not immediately lower the amount you put in your demand letter. Instead, ask the adjuster to give you the specific reasons why the offer is so low. Make notes of the conversation. Then write a brief letter responding to each of the factors the adjuster has mentioned. Depending on the strength of any of the adjuster’s reasons, you can lower your demand slightly, but before lowering your demand very far, wait to see whether the adjuster will budge after receiving your reply letter. The next time you speak with the adjuster, begin by asking for a response to your reply letter. The adjuster should now make you a reasonable offer upon which you will be able to bargain and arrive at a fair final settlement figure. Read additional info at

“You will be working on multiple deals—use a different pad of paper and file system on your desk to keep track of each deal. List the lawyers you are working with on the front. If one calls, you can quickly get your brain around the relevant deal. This way, you won’t confuse facts of various deals.”